• Comfort in God’s Strength

    | Nov 28, 2021
    If Martin Luther's great hymn, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," is any indication, he often turned to Psalm 46 for comfort. When you read his story, you can appreciate why.
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  • A Big Lesson . . . from a Tiny Critter

    | Nov 27, 2021
    Having established that humanity bears the image of God and possesses the ability to make decisions, establish plans, and then alter our environment to accomplish our goals, Solomon turned to nature for a much-needed object lesson.
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  • Cease Striving

    | Nov 26, 2021
    The psalmist's inner battle with the grind of personal weakness, recorded in Psalm 46, ended with a truce. He arrived at a critical decision that required every ounce of faith he could muster. He decided to withdraw from battle.
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  • Examine Your Heart

    | Nov 25, 2021
    Two rival foes contend for control of our hearts: Sluggard and Diligence. Locked in a bitter, all-or-nothing struggle for dominance, each uses its most effective weapons to entice us to join sides against the other.
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  • God in Your Midst

    | Nov 24, 2021
    The psalmist's reaction to nature in upheaval was, "I will not fear" (Psalm 46:2–3). His response to feelings of personal weakness continues in Psalm 46 with a change of scene, which prompts another resolution.
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  • Submit Your Ways

    | Nov 23, 2021
    Procrastination can feel like an oppressive ruler who cannot be contradicted or confronted. Its chains appear unbreakable and its rule, absolute.
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  • A Fear Response

    | Nov 22, 2021
    The psalmist was most likely a priest. As a man of letters, he would have known the history of Israel better than most. And their path had not been a smooth one. They continually faced dangers from foreign armies.
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  • Bad Intentions

    | Nov 21, 2021
    Most of us know the meaning of this word all too well, but a concise definition helps clarify the issue. The procrastinator usually has logical reasons, valid excuses, and plausible explanations for inaction.
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  • Human Failure

    | Nov 20, 2021
    We deny it. We fake it. We mask it. We try to ignore it. But the truth stubbornly persists: we are weak and inadequate creatures! Being sinful, we fail. Being prone to illness, we get sick. Being feeble, we get hurt.
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  • Lasting Consequences

    | Nov 19, 2021
    Solomon concluded this discussion of sexual temptation by considering additional consequences. He noted that when a man steals in order to keep from starving, most people empathize with his situation.
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  • Seek God’s Truth

    | Nov 18, 2021
    Psalms 42 and 43 capture for us David's situation of inner despair and disturbance. The source of his turmoil didn't go away after his visit to the headwaters of the Jordan River (42:6).
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  • Reasons to Avoid Temptation

    | Nov 17, 2021
    We’ve discussed what things to avoid and we’ve thought about how to avoid them, but we haven’t explored the question of why we should stand strong against temptation.
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  • Find Solace in Nature

    | Nov 16, 2021
    David's songs of inner turmoil don't offer easy answers; he's too realistic for that. David had seen the lowest of lows several times in his life, so he knew that counting your blessings won't work every time.
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  • Plan for Purity

    | Nov 15, 2021
    Beauty and charm are hard to ignore. Television, movies, advertisements, and virtually every corner of cyberspace train our minds to factor physical beauty into every decision.
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  • Remember God’s Faithfulness

    | Nov 14, 2021
    God certainly has not forsaken His child, but at low moments all of us could testify that there are times when it feels like He has! What do we do to become reassured? How can we find the hope of God's care when we are feeling low?
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  • Flee Temptation

    | Nov 13, 2021
    While virtually every outlet in popular media bombards us with sexually oriented material—a phenomenon that previous generations didn’t experience—we also face another danger . . .
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  • Longing for God

    | Nov 12, 2021
    This song recounts those days when we feel like curling up in the fetal position and quitting. Fortunately, David doesn't leave us on the ground. He advises how we can conquer those feelings rather than succumb to them.
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  • Battleground Brain

    | Nov 11, 2021
    Solomon was a straight shooter. I find that rather refreshing in our day of vague definitions and bold rationalizations. The words you just read are timeless and no less relevant today than when the ink was still wet.
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  • A ''Churning Place''

    | Nov 10, 2021
    I have a "churning place." It's in my stomach. On the upper, left side, just below the rib cage. When disturbing things happen, when troubling words are said, . . . my inner churning starts.
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  • The Choice Is Yours

    | Nov 09, 2021
    Let’s conclude our consideration of contentment with advice from an older pastor to his younger apprentice. The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, warning about the dangers of discontentment.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.