• The Bricks and Mortar

    | Feb 16, 2022
    If a relationship with God is the foundation of a home (Psalm 127:1–2), the children are the bricks and mortar. Wise King Solomon continues his celebration of the strong home with a focus on the value of children.
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  • A Thief and a Tyrant

    | Feb 15, 2022
    Petrarch hit the nail on the head when he wrote, “Five great enemies of peace inhabit within us: avarice, ambition, envy, anger, and pride; and if those enemies were to be banished, we should infallibly enjoy perpetual peace.”
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  • Building a Strong Foundation

    | Feb 14, 2022
    The pair of songs on the home, Psalms 127 and 128, begins with a look at the foundation. How does one establish a family legacy that will survive the inevitable crises, and then thrive for generations?
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  • Our Great Challenge

    | Feb 13, 2022
    Returning good for evil is not a complicated concept; it’s very simple. Yet it is rare. It’s one of the most difficult tasks we ever undertake in life.
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  • Songs of Family Strength

    | Feb 12, 2022
    Maybe it doesn't sound very spiritual, but some aspects of family living can be a grind! Rearing a household of busy children, maintaining good communication, . . . can be a first-class chore!
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  • Free-Flowing Grace

    | Feb 11, 2022
    Grace is simply kindness extended to another person regardless of merit—or the lack of it. Grace is showing kindness without first considering whether that person deserves it.
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  • The Truth Perspective

    | Feb 10, 2022
    A brief examination of Psalm 119 reveals benefits gained by those who absorb the Word. Let's put three of them, wisdom, insight, and understanding,to the test by looking at a case study.
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  • Embrace Mercy

    | Feb 09, 2022
    Letting someone off your moral hook takes great wisdom, courage, and faith. You aren’t simply letting the matter drop; you are handing this person and your suffering over to God, trusting Him to do what is right.
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  • God’s Word the Cure

    | Feb 08, 2022
    As I glance over Psalm 119:98–100, I see three benefits gained by those who absorb the Word: wisdom, insight, and understanding. Wisdom is the ability to look at life and its difficulties from God's point of view.
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  • Surrender Your Rights

    | Feb 07, 2022
    If we accept that resentment is poisonous to the soul and that God demands we dispose of it, the next question is obvious: How? How can we rid ourselves of this toxic attitude?
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  • A Lack of Knowledge

    | Feb 06, 2022
    Sometimes the grind of low enthusiasm results from not having sufficient knowledge to address life's difficulties. While additional training . . . can certainly help, all knowledge must be built upon a foundation of spiritual wisdom.
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  • Poison to the Soul

    | Feb 05, 2022
    If you have spent much time around someone who is eaten up with the desire for revenge, someone nursing an attitude of resentment, you know how tragic a thing it is.
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  • A Spiritual Problem

    | Feb 04, 2022
    The psalmist's lengthy poem about the Word of God holds the keys to regaining enthusiasm. Psalm 119 helps to identify issues that drag us down so we can address them with wisdom from above.
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  • Hope for the Hopeless

    | Feb 03, 2022
    I am not foolish enough to suggest that within a week’s time anyone could be free of an addiction or compulsion. While a few people tell of overnight transformations, these are the exception, not the norm.
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  • Needing More

    | Feb 02, 2022
    Psalm 119—the longest song in the ancient hymnal—is a song that is full of "God in" kind of statements. Over and over it affirms the value of having God's Word in our lives. It keeps pounding away on that theme.
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  • Addiction’s Downward Spiral

    | Feb 01, 2022
    The problem of addiction goes beyond the abuse of alcohol or drugs. Addictions can develop out of virtually any substance or compulsive behavior.
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  • From the Depths to the Heights

    | Jan 31, 2022
    In just a few verses, the songwriter of Psalm 116 has climbed from the utter depths of grief and sorrow to the heights of praising God. His journey undoubtedly took many months, however.
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  • A Deadly Substitute

    | Jan 30, 2022
    Yesterday we discussed wine and strong drink. The chief concern of Solomon and the wise men was not the substance we call alcohol, but addiction to alcohol or the compulsion to drink it.
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  • A Public Response

    | Jan 29, 2022
    Psalm 116, a lament of grief and sorrow, takes a positive turn with the composer deciding how he will respond to the Lord's deliverance (116:12). He promised to tell the story of God's rescue.
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  • Moderation versus Addiction

    | Jan 28, 2022
    As we stated yesterday, substance abuse isn’t limited to sleazy back alleys; you can find addiction almost anywhere.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.