• Waiting with Patience

    | Oct 19, 2021
    As David concludes his song about the grinding pain of unjust treatment and his chosen responses, he then commits to patience. Resolved: I will patiently stand and wait for relief.
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  • Self-Promotion

    | Oct 18, 2021
    As you continue your attentive listening this week, keep your ears open for another kind of offensive, unproductive speech. It might seem like a minor problem, but I assure you, the Scriptures take this seriously.
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  • Staying Faithful Together

    | Oct 17, 2021
    David's prayer for protection while enduring mistreatment didn't merely ask God for help; the king's song included a commitment on his part. Resolved: I will be faithful in public worship.
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  • Poisonous Words

    | Oct 16, 2021
    [Thursday] we examined two kinds of destructive speech that attempt to achieve ulterior motives. When we flatter someone, we deceive that person in order to gain an advantage for ourselves.
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  • An Attitude of Gratitude

    | Oct 15, 2021
    King David knew the sting of unjust treatment as keenly as anyone in history. To keep mistreatment from undermining his relationship with God, he put some resolutions into a song.
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  • Speech That Wounds

    | Oct 14, 2021
    Take a few moments to review Proverbs 15:2, which we will use as our outline as we discuss the destructive use of the tongue. [Saturday] we will concentrate on constructive uses of speech.
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  • Open before the Lord

    | Oct 13, 2021
    As David endured unfair treatment despite his doing what was right, He cried out to God in the verses of Psalm 26. As we read his anguished lyrics, we will uncover some resolutions David made.
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  • The Most Dangerous Part

    | Oct 12, 2021
    Solomon had a lot to say about what we say. In fact, tongue, mouth, lips, and words occur almost 150 times in Proverbs.
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  • Mistreated, Misjudged, and Maligned

    | Oct 11, 2021
    If I were asked to give a popular title to Psalm 26, it would be: "How to Do Right When You've Been Done Wrong." We have all been "done wrong," haven't we? Maybe that describes your circumstance right now.
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  • Choosing to Bless

    | Oct 10, 2021
    It isn’t known how many people walk around with undiagnosed heart problems, but the frequency of sudden deaths from heart attack suggests millions.
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  • The Shepherd Secures the Future

    | Oct 09, 2021
    As David brings his song of the sheep to a close, having reflected on the Lord's faithful care throughout his life, he then considers his future.
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  • Three More Hearts

    | Oct 08, 2021
    Solomon addressed no less than six kinds of troubled heart in his wisdom sayings.
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  • The Shepherd Provides Abundantly

    | Oct 07, 2021
    As David's song of the sheep concludes, he suddenly drops the analogy to consider his own experience of God, both as a simple man in need of a Savior and as a king in need of divine guidance.
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  • Three Hearts

    | Oct 06, 2021
    Although the daily grind of a troubled heart is common, we often think we’re the only one struggling with discouragement, anxiety, doubt, and disappointment. Not so! It’s all around us.
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  • The Shepherd Restores

    | Oct 05, 2021
    As a former shepherd keeping watch over flocks in the wilderness, the composer of Psalm 23 understood the nature of sheep, including their bad habit of wandering.
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  • Deep Waters

    | Oct 04, 2021
    Whoever dubbed our era “The Aspirin Age” wasn’t far off. We live in a time when huge numbers of the world’s population use medications to relieve heartache, much of which is stress related.
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  • In the Shepherd’s Care

    | Oct 03, 2021
    Like many of the songs found in the Bible, Psalm 23 states its case in the first verse and simply verifies it in the remainder of the song. The key thought is this: Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall lack nothing!
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  • Counselors of Shalom

    | Oct 02, 2021
    A major cause of death in our world is heart trouble. I don’t mean heart attacks or heart failure; I mean that nearly everyone endures the daily grind of a troubled heart, which often presents as lingering anxiety and low-grade depression.
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  • The Woeful Song of Frightened Sheep

    | Oct 01, 2021
    I have observed that few inner battles are more fierce than the daily grind of uncertainty. No doubt you, too, have encountered one or more of its many faces as you have struggled with a career choice, new direction in life, . . .
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  • Memorization Made Real

    | Sep 30, 2021
    In years past, before the printing press and the Internet made information so readily available, people memorized—precisely, word for word—anything they considered helpful.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.