Stay open to divine adventure!

Dear Friend:

Let’s think about “heaven’s magnificent negatives” based on Revelation 21–22.

No more death, crying, mourning, or pain.

No more disasters or calamities.

No more suffering or strife, struggle or stress.

No more evil or crimes.

No more fear, folly, depression, or anxiety.

No more disappointments.

No more boredom or despair.

No more thirst.

No more darkness.

No more limitations in our fellowship with Jesus.

No more curse.

It’s truly wondrous to ponder all these things, isn’t it?

Sin’s effects in the here and now weigh us down and can tempt us to forget about our perfect future in Christ.

Those effects, however, give us all the more reason to establish ourselves in God’s promise. That assurance helps us navigate our way through this fallen world.

Encouraging people to elevate their thoughts toward Christ and set their hearts on Him is key to insightful living. That’s our aim in teaching God’s Word.

Will you send a gift this month to help us continue that mission? We deeply appreciate every second you invest in praying for IFL as well as your financial support.

Thank you!

Oh, and let’s not forget one last magnificent negative about our future bliss . . .

There will be NO END!

Anticipating with you our glory in Christ,

Chuck Swindoll

Pastor Charles R. Swindoll