March 27 - April 8, 2025

Strengthening Your Grip: How to Be Grounded in a Chaotic World

Have you ever wondered what is essential for glorifying God in an aimless and confused world?

If so, don’t miss Pastor Chuck Swindoll in this practical series on a variety of topics like money, evangelism, parenting, purity, and more!

Strengthen your grip on walking with God in all areas of your life and experience the blessing that follows!

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Easter Messages 2025

April 9 - 18, 2025

Three messages from Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s series on Matthew zero in on Christ’s final agonizing hours before His death and His glorious resurrection. But some spectacular events that happened between the two are often overlooked. Pastor Chuck explains these events and more as he teaches how God provides His people with hope in dark times.

Chuck also carefully examines historical evidence to reveal the only explanation of the empty tomb: God raised Jesus from the dead!