Follow the Current Series with Our STS Bible Studies
The STS Bible Studies for Strengthening Your Grip series are now available.
Isn’t it satisfying to receive precious truths from God’s Word? It’s like eating a meal that’s tasty and nutritious! In fact, finding these truths from God’s Word is a lot like cooking. It’s a process that takes a bit of know-how, time, and practice. But it’s altogether thrilling and satisfying! Insight for Living wants to help you in your journey of becoming your own biblical chef. We create Searching the Scriptures Bible studies, like spiritual recipes, to accompany Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s sermon series and guide you through the Bible passages he addresses in each sermon.
These studies build upon the Bible-study principles Chuck teaches in his book, Searching the Scriptures: Find the Nourishment Your Soul Needs. Check out this article for a summary of the method and consult this article to learn about basic Bible-study tools. Each STS Bible study introduces the passage, leads you in prayer, and then prompts you to:
- observe the passage to see what the author wrote
- interpret the passage to understand what the author meant
- correlate the passage with other passages to enhance understanding
- apply the passage to live out God’s truth in practical ways
These downloadable PDFs enable you to type your answers directly into the document or you can print them if you prefer pen in hand. Since Searching the Scriptures Bible studies flow from Chuck’s messages, you can listen along in your study. Grow in your understanding of God’s Word and deepen your walk with Christ.
Biblical Parenting
12 Studies on Parenting
Clinging to Hope
12 Studies on Hope
Cultivating a Dynamic Ministry
2 Studies on the Church
Epochal Events Nobody Expected
4 Studies on Bible Characters
Finding Healing through Forgiveness
2 Studies on Forgiveness
Flying Closer to the Flame
14 Studies on the Holy Spirit
God’s Providence and Sovereignty
2 Studies on Providence and Sovereignty
Growing Deep in the Christian Life
22 Studies on Christian Doctrines
Hilarious Generosity
5 Studies on Stewardship
His Name Is Wonderful
12 Studies on the Names of Jesus
How Great Is Our God!
12 Studies on Theology of God
Living by Grace
7 Studies on Grace from Romans
Loving One Another
2 Studies on Romans 12
Marriage: From Surviving to Thriving
8 Studies on Marriage
Mission Possible: Christ’s Great Commission
4 Studies on Christian Mission
Restoring Your Family’s Foundation
7 Studies on the Family
Searching the Scriptures: Find the Nourishment Your Soul Needs
8 Studies on How to Study the Bible
The Church Awakening: An Urgent Call for Renewal
9 Studies on the Church
The Fruit of the Spirit
9 Studies on the Fruit of the Spirit
The Grace Awakening
16 Studies on Grace
The Great Commission
7 Studies on Christian Mission
The Greatest Words
4 Studies on God’s Comfort
The Mystery of God's Will
11 Studies on God's Will
Things to Stop and Start
9 Studies on Biblical Wisdom
Walking with Integrity in Times of Adversity
12 Studies on Bible Characters
What If . . . ?
12 Studies on Adversity
Wise Counsel for Troubled Times
13 Studies on Bible Characters
A Great Savior, A Humble Servant
2 Studies for Easter
A Living Hope
2 Studies for Easter
As Dawn Arrived . . . He Arose
1 Study on Easter
Compelled by the Cross
6 Studies for Easter
God Knows What He’s About
5 Studies for Christmas and the New Year
Guilt, Grace, and Gratitude
2 Studies for Thanksgiving
Holiday Messages 2020
6 Studies on Christmas and the New Year
Jesus: The Indescribable Gift
12 Studies for Advent
Miracle Announced from a Tomb: “He Is Risen!”
1 Study for Easter
No Morning Was Ever Brighter
1 Study on Easter
Pressing on in Faith
2 Studies for the New Year
Resurrection: Hoax or Hope?
1 Study on Easter
Thanking Our God
2 Studies for Thanksgiving
When Angels Spoke
3 Studies on Christmas