• Anger against God’s Enemies

    | Mar 28, 2022
    As David thought about God's intricate design of humanity in Psalm 139, and he pondered the Lord's loyal love for each individual He took such care to fashion and endow with purpose, the king grew angry at the enemies of God.
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  • Nothing Escapes God’s Care

    | Mar 27, 2022
    David's song about God paid close attention to His design of the human body and the individual care He gives to each conception. No individual life escapes His care, and He endows each person with a purpose.
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  • A Species of Wonder

    | Mar 26, 2022
    We are a species of wonder. No one would argue that the human body is a phenomenal combination of strength, beauty, coordination, grace, and balance on the outside. But if you think the outside is remarkable, just glance inside.
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  • God’s Skill as Creator

    | Mar 25, 2022
    Psalm 139 links us with God. This song, like few other passages of Scripture, connects us with our Creator. It answers four of the most frequently asked questions that come to our minds about God.
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  • The Difference Wisdom Makes

    | Mar 24, 2022
    On the day before a lottery drawing for more than $600 million, a reporter announced that 40 percent of past lottery grand-prize winners were broke within five years.
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  • The Value of Money

    | Mar 23, 2022
    You’ve probably heard the expression “Money can’t buy happiness.” Personally, I struggle with that statement because I can think of a lot of things I could buy that would make me very happy!
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  • A Difficult Choice

    | Mar 22, 2022
    As we continue examining God’s money-management principles, we discover a connection between wisdom and wealth.
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  • Where Your Treasure Is

    | Mar 21, 2022
    While studying the book of Proverbs, I discovered several principles that helped me understand money management from God’s perspective.
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  • Truth and Freedom

    | Mar 20, 2022
    Few “grinds” in life are more nerve-racking and energy draining than those that result from financial irresponsibility. Many are the headaches and heartaches of being overextended.
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  • Nothing Is Hidden from God

    | Mar 19, 2022
    There were times in my childhood when I would become fearful at night. (You may recall having similar feelings.) At those times I would grab the covers and snatch them over my head.
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  • God Is Ever Near

    | Mar 18, 2022
    All right, so God knows me and controls me; He can do that at a distance, through millions and millions of light years of space. But is He near? According to Psalm 139, David's song about the amazing attributes of God, yes.
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  • God Controls the Details

    | Mar 17, 2022
    The Lord remains in complete control of the smallest details of His creation; He is all-knowing and all-powerful. Knowing us as He does, He puts the necessary controls upon us. The fact that He "encloses" us could be misunderstood.
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  • God’s Intimate Knowledge

    | Mar 16, 2022
    If you've ever been a part of a large organization, such as a multibillion-dollar corporation or a governmental agency or a university, it's unlikely you've ever met the people at the top of the leadership chain.
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  • Important to God

    | Mar 15, 2022
    Most folks struggle with feelings of insignificance from time to time . . . For some, feeling insignificant is not simply a periodic battle; it is a daily grind! We know deep down inside we're valuable.
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  • Freedom in Truth

    | Mar 14, 2022
    Ants, conies, locusts, and lizards offer very significant illustrations of virtues everyone can apply to their life.
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  • Helpfulness

    | Mar 13, 2022
    As we consider Agur’s fourth and final animal illustration, we must wrestle with an unusually enigmatic proverb.
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  • Cooperation

    | Mar 12, 2022
    Great civilizations often achieve great things because they have a great leader who casts a vision, marshals their resources, organizes their members, inspires their action, and of course, goes before them.
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  • Prudence

    | Mar 11, 2022
    Children enter the world with no concept of the word "can’t." Soon, however, the world begins to teach them that some things are, indeed, beyond their reach.
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  • Diligence

    | Mar 10, 2022
    Ants, conies, locusts, lizards—sounds like a roll call for Noah’s ark or perhaps the cast of characters in an animated feature film.
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  • God Responds

    | Mar 09, 2022
    Did God respond to the plea of Psalm 137? Absolutely! After seventy years in exile, every Jew who wanted to return to rebuild the city of Jerusalem and restore the temple was allowed to do so. And the Jews learned their lesson.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.