• A Song of Deliverance

    | Jan 27, 2022
    The psalmist's lament in Psalm 116 expresses reasons to love the Lord despite the soul-crushing burden of grief and sorrow.
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  • Timely Wisdom

    | Jan 26, 2022
    I smile inside every time I hear someone say the Bible is irrelevant. Right away, I know that person is not at all acquainted with the pages of God’s Book.
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  • A Song of Sadness

    | Jan 25, 2022
    Psalm 116 is the lament of a man surrounded by grief and sorrow, most likely because death has touched his life. Let's take a few moments to probe a little deeper into a song of sadness. The first line of the psalmist's song is surprising.
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  • Intelligent Fools

    | Jan 24, 2022
    Before we close this week’s study, let’s revisit the sages’ fool. The English language defines a fool as someone who’s a little mischievous or who makes foolish decisions.
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  • Sadness Abounds

    | Jan 23, 2022
    It is easy for those who are strong and healthy to forget how many tears of sorrow and grief are shed every day. All around this aching world—perhaps in your own home or in your heart this very week—sadness abounds.
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  • Willful Opposition

    | Jan 22, 2022
    Of the three distinct types of rebel—those who oppose God’s internal leading and instruction—the simple-minded or naive bear the least moral guilt.
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  • Response to Others

    | Jan 21, 2022
    Psalm 101, David's spiritual manifesto in song, began with a list of admirable qualities the king desired to cultivate. He then took a good look around him to determine how he would respond to different kinds of individuals.
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  • Stupid Opposition

    | Jan 20, 2022
    Hebrew culture recognized that not all opposition to God’s leading is the same. All opposition is foolishness, but the Old Testament sages diagnosed the different root causes of spiritual stupidity and addressed them accordingly.
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  • Staying On Course

    | Jan 19, 2022
    Having identified four qualities to cultivate, David's spiritual manifesto in Psalm 101 continues with several declarations, each intended to keep him on course in pursuit of his divine purpose. David no longer looks within, he looks around.
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  • Simple Opposition

    | Jan 18, 2022
    As a pastor, I have been amazed at the difference among Christians when it comes to accepting instruction. Some never seem to learn!
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  • Honesty and Purity

    | Jan 17, 2022
    Psalm 101 names four great qualities a believer must possess in order to discern his or her divine purpose. Without these four virtues to clarify one's vision, confusion abounds.
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  • The Greater of Two Evils

    | Jan 16, 2022
    What did you first envision when you saw the word opposition in the chapter title? Did you imagine external resistance to your efforts or your own internal resistance to God’s leading?
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  • Honor and Integrity

    | Jan 15, 2022
    I once heard the president of a seminary express his concern over the school by saying, "I fear we may be turning out graduates with a great number of beliefs but not enough conviction." Conviction gives beliefs a backbone.
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  • Prosperity: Not Too Little, Not Too Much

    | Jan 14, 2022
    As we conclude our examination of balance or the lack of it, let’s return to where we started. A wise man of Israel reflected on his wealth and its effect on his relationship with God.
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  • A Life of Purpose

    | Jan 13, 2022
    Some people seem to drift aimlessly through life, headed in no specific direction. Without clearly defined objectives, it is not surprising that many adopt a lifestyle that lacks definition and purpose.
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  • Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge

    | Jan 12, 2022
    Solomon and the wise men of Israel regarded wisdom, understanding, and knowledge as worthy pursuits in life. In fact, given the choice between wisdom and material wealth, they opted for wisdom, hands down.
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  • Because of Who God Is

    | Jan 11, 2022
    Having called the whole world to join him in song, the psalmist declares the reason God deserves universal thanksgiving and praise. His rationale for worldwide celebration is based on three facts concerning the Lord's character.
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  • Work versus Reward

    | Jan 10, 2022
    As we discovered earlier, Solomon and the wise men of Israel had a lot to say about the value of diligence and the dangers of laziness.
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  • Cultivate Relationship with God

    | Jan 09, 2022
    Psalm 100 is an extended command to worship the Lord, giving specific instructions to follow. The first three commands in 100:1–2 are directly related to cultivating a spirit of joy.
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  • Adversity versus Prosperity

    | Jan 08, 2022
    Whether or not you realize it, life is a perpetual struggle to maintain balance between various opposing forces. Over the next few days, we will examine some common extremes that threaten to pull us off balance.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.