| Sep 20, 2022
I laughed my way through Judith Viorst's How Did I Get to Be Forty and Other Atrocities. I've long since passed the half-century mark, so it seemed reasonable that I should at least face the music of being forty.
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| Sep 19, 2022
In pain, grief, affliction, and loss, it often helps to write our feelings . . . not just feel them. Putting words on paper seems to free our feelings from the lonely prison of our souls.
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| Sep 18, 2022
It's a cartoon I've smiled at again and again. There are two Eskimos sitting on chairs, fishing through holes in the ice. The fella on the right has draped his line through your typical disk-like opening . . . about the size of a small manhole.
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| Sep 17, 2022
If you are involved in church or religious activities to the point that your home life is hurting, you're too involved—and you're heading for trouble. Look at what you're doing in the light of eternity. God is primarily interested in the quality, not quantity, of our spiritual fruit.
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| Sep 16, 2022
God has ordained and established three great institutions: the home (Genesis 1:27–28; Ephesians 5:22–31), the church (Matthew 16:18; Acts 2:41–47), and government (Romans 13:1–7). There is no question regarding our belief that the church and state (government) should be separate and distinct.
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| Sep 15, 2022
When it comes to physical healing, often confusion reigns. To combat it, I'd like to point out five "laws" of suffering. These "laws" will do more to help the hurting and erase their confusion than perhaps anything else they could read.
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| Sep 14, 2022
"Have you heard of the Four Spiritual Laws?" That question, found in a small booklet, has been asked and answered thousands—perhaps millions—of times in our generation. These "laws" have been used by God to introduce His plan of love and forgiveness.
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| Sep 13, 2022
God often delivers His best gifts to us in unexpected ways . . . with surprises inside the wrappings. Through apparent contradictions. Somewhat like the therapy He used when Elijah was so low, so terribly disillusioned. How did the Lord minister to him?
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| Sep 12, 2022
Tom Landry, the late head coach of the Dallas Cowboys, was once quoted as saying something like this: "I have a job to do that is not very complicated, but it is often difficult: to get a group of men to do what they don't want to do so they can achieve the one thing they have wanted all their lives."
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| Sep 11, 2022
What a beautiful scene in the soul is Lake Contentment! Undisturbed by outside noises brought on by the jackhammers of exaggeration, those who enjoy the lake know what relaxation is all about. They know nothing of any winter of discontent.
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| Sep 10, 2022
A number of years ago I read that, believe it or not, the average American is exposed to about three hundred advertisements a day. Today that number has very likely increased!
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| Sep 09, 2022
Due to the tragic problem of ignorance and passivity in our world today, I've been extolling the benefits of reading. Yesterday, we talked about number one: reading sweeps the cobwebs away; it expands us. Today, I'll note three additional benefits.
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| Sep 08, 2022
The three Rs have stood the test of time as reliable criteria for a dependable education. They are poised like disciplined sentinels against one of man's greatest enemies: ignorance. The original blocks of granite, unimpressed by educational styles.
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| Sep 07, 2022
Okay, are you ready to have your mind boggled? If not, better shove this aside until you can handle it. It's too stretching to pass over with a yawn. The germ thought struck me when I was deep in the redwoods some time ago. I lay back and looked up.
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| Sep 06, 2022
We've been talking about the rare but essential quality of tact. I mentioned that the classic example of tactless humanity is the abrasive Christian who feels it is his or her calling to fight for the truth with little or no regard for the other fella's feelings.
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| Sep 05, 2022
Wisely labeled "the saving virtue," tact graces a life like fragrance graces a rose. One whiff of those red petals erases any memory of the thorns. Tact is like that. It's remarkable how peaceful and pleasant it can make us.
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| Sep 04, 2022
Who hasn't felt himself standing on tiptoe, straining to see what lies ahead? Even the writers of a weekly news magazine tried to look beyond today. They didn't try many predictions but they did ask some tough, sweeping questions.
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| Sep 03, 2022
It's true: there's no substitute for the family! Yesterday I related a rather amusing story about mine. I'm sure you can recall times in your own family that make you chuckle. Other times those family memories are deeply profound and stabilizing.
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| Sep 02, 2022
Try all you like, you simply cannot find a substitute for the family. God planned it that way. In spite of all we're reading and seeing these days designed to make us think we've entered the family-phase-out era, don't you believe it!
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| Sep 01, 2022
Yesterday I told you a story about an amazing feat by Harry Houdini in which he escaped from locked handcuffs before a roaring crowd—incredible stuff! He later admitted that he stopped repeatedly to address the crowd because he needed their applause to keep up his enthusiasm!
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