• Rejoice in God

    | Dec 18, 2021
    David closes this psalm of worship with a pen portrait of his situation. To our surprise, he wasn't absolutely alone, because verse 9 testifies of those who sought his life to destroy it. Nor was he free from criticism and slander.
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  • God-Given Authority

    | Dec 17, 2021
    King Nebuchadnezzar enjoyed the kind of power and privilege no single human had ever experienced. He built an empire that eventually swallowed two other great civilizations, Assyria and Egypt.
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  • Meditation and Singing

    | Dec 16, 2021
    In his wilderness experience, David made five decisions that would deepen his connection with God. First, he decided to imagine the Lord's physical presence. Then he decided to express praise for God out loud.
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  • Some Thoughts on Sovereignty

    | Dec 15, 2021
    Some people find the concept of God’s ultimate and complete sovereignty a little unsettling. Let’s face it, we like our autonomy; we find comfort in calling our own shots.
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  • Satisfaction in Praise

    | Dec 14, 2021
    David's lonely wilderness sanctuary left him thirsty and hungry, not only for food, but for meaningful interaction with his God (Psalm 63:1–2). As his song continues, David describes a second decision he made.
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  • Divine Perspective

    | Dec 13, 2021
    Since our generation so admires human ingenuity and worldly wisdom, we tend to give people praise that only God deserves.
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  • The Deepest Need

    | Dec 12, 2021
    David's song of the thirsty soul, preserved for us as Psalm 63, may resonate deeply with you. Perhaps you have finally come to the end of rat-race religion. Hopefully, you have decided to leave the hurry-worry syndrome.
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  • Divine Right

    | Dec 11, 2021
    At first glance this list of Old Testament proverbs may appear like a hodgepodge of random thoughts. A closer look, however, reveals a common theme we tend to overlook or ignore.
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  • A Song of Quietness

    | Dec 10, 2021
    How easy it is to fall into the trap of "ritual religion"! So many Christians know little of a vital, fresh, day-by-day relationship with the Lord. I did not say an inactive relationship. Christians have never been more active!
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  • Start Where You Are

    | Dec 09, 2021
    With the foundation laid by wisdom, the house built by understanding, and the home filled with knowledge, we have all the ingredients necessary for the cultivation of a happy, prosperous, emotionally safe, spiritually rich household.
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  • God’s Deliverance

    | Dec 08, 2021
    The final verse of Psalm 54 describes a sudden reversal. The first verses describe a dire situation, prompting David to plead for God's help. By verse 7, his despondency has turned to triumph.
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  • Rich Relationships

    | Dec 07, 2021
    Let’s review the building analogy. Wisdom has laid a solid foundation for the home, and the household leaders are committed to making God’s Word their standard operating procedure.
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  • Rest in God’s Faithfulness

    | Dec 06, 2021
    As David's lament (Psalm 54) over the grind of difficult people draws to a close, he turns from bitter resentment to find rest in God's faithfulness. David has named his enemies and acknowledged their sins.
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  • Teamwork

    | Dec 05, 2021
    [Friday] we looked at the foundation of a stable household: the first layer is wisdom, from the Hebrew hakam. This kind of wisdom is the commitment to translate our knowledge of God and His ways into practical living.
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  • Leave Vengeance to God

    | Dec 04, 2021
    David could have written a whole book of poems lamenting the host of enemies surrounding him. Enemies in Saul's court. Enemies among the priests. Enemies in the surrounding territories. Enemies everywhere!
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  • Bedrock

    | Dec 03, 2021
    The grind of domestic disharmony can be the most distressing of all. After all, home should be a place of rest and safety, a refuge from the stresses and dangers of the world.
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  • Consider the Source

    | Dec 02, 2021
    Imagine David wilting under a bush or slumped in a cave, pouring out his feelings in Psalm 54, begging the Lord for help. The first three verses are a prayer with emphasis on the enemy.
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  • Suffering but Not Silent

    | Dec 01, 2021
    Of all the grinds that erode our peace, none is more nagging, more draining, more painful than disharmony at home. Sarcastic infighting. Stinging put-downs. Withering stares. Deafening silence.
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  • People Problems

    | Nov 30, 2021
    Let's face it; most problems are people problems. You can have a job that demands long hours and great physical effort, but neither the hours nor the energy drain gives you the problems difficult people do.
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  • Rewards along the Way

    | Nov 29, 2021
    Having thought about procrastination, motivation, diligence, and consequences, Solomon and other wise men wrote the following lines of encouragement.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.