• An Urgent Charge

    | May 17, 2024
    Paul wrote with urgency, "I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season."
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  • Anchor of Reality

    | May 16, 2024
    All those going through a storm need to be engaged in the process. No one is promised a magical escape clause. Passivity is faith's enemy. It isn't an acceptable option to fold our arms and wait for the storm to pass.
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  • Anchor of Renewal

    | May 15, 2024
    Can you imagine fighting a storm for two weeks and getting virtually no nourishment? That's what the men on Paul's ship experienced. Even more amazing, that's how most people respond to life's storms.
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  • Anchor of Unity

    | May 14, 2024
    The scene breathed life-threatening fears. Imaginations ran wild. Paul knew that staying together was the secret to their survival. The temptation was strong to abandon ship and let each person fend for himself.
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  • Anchor of Stability

    | May 13, 2024
    The anchor of stability holds firm when your navigation system fails. It's easy to lose your bearings in the storm. You can't find your way through the circumstances you face. Life rolls along fairly smoothly until suddenly the seas grow rough.
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  • Standing Tall in High Places

    | May 12, 2024
    Recently, I read a stirring speech delivered by the late Mother Theresa at the 44th National Prayer Breakfast—a prestigious event that occurred while Bill Clinton served as President.
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  • Modern-Day Heroes

    | May 11, 2024
    Momentarily forgetting the difference in rank and status, Paul now spoke face to face with Agrippa. He engaged him on his knowledge of the Scriptures. He then listened for Herod's reply. It was a reply heard around the world.
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  • Grace Leads You Home

    | May 10, 2024
    Long before my mother died, she and a neighbor friend compiled a book of God's promises taken from the Scriptures. Each made her own. My mother used that little book as a primer for her prayers.
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  • Straight Thinking

    | May 09, 2024
    Have you ever felt the ground move under your feet? Do you know what it's like to pitch from side to side in a small boat on strong seas? Have you ever had to run for cover, dodge bullets, or duck out of the way of advancing troops?
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  • All in the Family

    | May 08, 2024
    Not one assassin but forty of them! Forty determined terrorists, operating under cover of secrecy. All of them vowing, "We will not eat or drink until we've killed him." The plan was treacherous and set in motion by those who wanted him dead.
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  • Stop and Surrender

    | May 07, 2024
    So much for Paul. How about you? Fast forward to the twenty-first century. Are you afflicted and burdened excessively? Do you feel as if you're under such intense pressure these days that you, too, are close to despair?
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  • Genuine Humility

    | May 06, 2024
    We'd rather admire Paul for his strength in trials. We want to applaud his fierce determination against vicious persecution. If the man were alive today, he would not tolerate our congratulations.
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  • The Power of Weakness

    | May 05, 2024
    Paul pressed ahead through a mind-boggling series of intense hardships. Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they descendants of Abraham? So am I.
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  • Things Unseen

    | May 04, 2024
    Paul viewed whatever happened to him through the eyes of faith. That remarkable trait allows him to be numbered among giants of the faith like Moses.
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  • Powerful Preaching

    | May 03, 2024
    If you are responsible for communicating biblical truth, consider yourself a preacher (at least for the now)—you are a communicator of God's Word. If that describes you, these next four principles are especially for you.
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  • Bringing It Home

    | May 02, 2024
    What is it going to take to convince us that the last will be first and the first will be last? For some it will take a lifetime, for others only a few semesters in seminary.
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  • Affirming Leaders

    | May 01, 2024
    Good leaders are enthusiastically affirming. Again, Paul writes, "You are witnesses, and so is God, how devoutly and uprightly and blamelessly we behaved toward you believers . . ."
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  • Affectionate Leaders

    | Apr 30, 2024
    Good leaders have affection for people. Paul writes, "Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God . . . " (1 Thess. 2:8). Is that great, or what?
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  • Sensitive Leaders

    | Apr 29, 2024
    Good leaders are sensitive to the needs of others. Paul compared his ministry to a mother who tenderly cares for the needs of her children. I love that word picture. I watched my wife nursing our children when they were tiny.
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  • His Only Priority

    | Apr 28, 2024
    Paul's style of leadership was neither aloof nor secretive. He lived among them. They knew his address. He talked to them. He didn't preach a sermon and then conveniently slip out the back door during the benediction.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.