• A Survival Secret

    | Jul 07, 2024
    YOU CAN'T TURN ON the evening news without being inundated with painful reminders of the shocking disregard for God's moral law in our culture.
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  • Sheep, Not Cattle

    | Jul 06, 2024
    EVER GET THAT cattle-in-the-corral feeling? Sure you have. Whether it's sitting in morning traffic or standing in a long check-out line at Walmart-it's easy to feel as if you're only a blip on the radar of some cosmic force.
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  • Considering Life

    | Jul 05, 2024
    SNAP A TELESCOPIC LENS ON your perspective for the next few minutes. Pull yourself up close enough to see the real you.
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  • Praying for Others

    | Jul 04, 2024
    IF WE HAD THE unusual opportunity to spend a day talking to the apostles, men like Paul, Peter, James, and John, I think they'd emphasize an oft-spoken discipline-but one that's rarely deployed in our lives: praying for others.
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  • A Handwritten Note

    | Jul 03, 2024
    THERE IS NOTHING QUITE like the charm and personal touch conveyed in a handwritten note.
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  • Fighting the Fast Fade

    | Jul 02, 2024
    AS YOU WAVED GOOD-BYE TO your friends at church last Sunday, what mental darts were left stuck in the target of your thinking?
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  • Receiving Knowledge

    | Jul 01, 2024
    SLICE IT ANY WAY YOU WISH, ignorance is not bliss. Dress it in whatever garb you please, ignorance is not attractive.
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  • Lost in Wonder, Love, and Praise

    | Jun 30, 2024
    LOST IN THE SILENT SOLITUDE of recent days, I have been impressed anew with the vast handiwork of our incomprehensible God.
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  • Turn Aside to See

    | Jun 29, 2024
    We who live in this fast-paced jungle, this never-slowing treadmill of our high-tech society, have no idea how deeply entrenched we are in the rut of routine.
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  • Who’s Imitating You?

    | Jun 28, 2024
    WHO IS IT THE LORD HAS used to model His message and challenge you to change, to shake off that tendency to settle for less than your full potential, to stretch and pursue and conquer new territory you once never dreamed possible?
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  • Give Yourself Permission

    | Jun 27, 2024
    AT A BAZAAR IN NORTHERN INDIA, an old farmer brought in a whole covey of quail. He had tied a string around one leg of each bird.
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  • Be Joyful!

    | Jun 26, 2024
    I KNOW, I KNOW . . . THIS IS A ROTTEN WORLD. And some people just can't be trusted. And con men (and women) and phonies and charlatans are out there, ready to rip us off.
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  • Echoes

    | Jun 25, 2024
    A YOUNG BOY LIVED WITH his grandfather on the top of a mountain in the Swiss Alps.
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  • A Source of All Comfort

    | Jun 24, 2024
    You are never more like God when you are available to those who suffer. I urge you to be available for the long haul to that one who is grieving a devastating loss of a loved one.
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  • The Next Generation

    | Jun 23, 2024
    THE BIBLE doesn't try to paint its heroes as anything but real people with real flaws. Consequently, Abraham becomes real, not despite his frailties, but because of them. Like all real people, he had weaknesses.
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  • Believing God’s Promises

    | Jun 22, 2024
    IN THE BOOK of Hebrews, Abraham is praised for believing God's promises. God called Abraham to move to a place where he didn't know a soul.
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  • Beyond Your Comfort Zone

    | Jun 21, 2024
    HEBREWS 11 has been called "the hall of faith"—and for good reason. Beginning with one of the first people on earth, the author traces the essential quality of faith through Hebrew history, highlighting ten great men and women.
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  • Friend of God

    | Jun 20, 2024
    DIRECT INTERCHANGES between God and individuals don't occur often in Scripture. But in Abraham's life, his interchange with God takes the form of a true dialogue, a back-and-forth conversation between friends.
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  • Finishing Well

    | Jun 19, 2024
    DON'T CRY for Abraham. Don't mourn his death. Don't grieve his departure. Rejoice! Celebrate him. Look at what he made of his life and his final years on earth.
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  • Giving While You’re Living

    | Jun 18, 2024
    BEFORE ABRAHAM DIED, he took good care of all his children, establishing each of his sons financially as they left the nest and started families of their own.
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A Role Transition

Every parent must adapt to their children’s changing needs as they grow up. But when they reach adulthood, having minds and lives of their own, new challenges develop. This free message by Pastor Chuck paves the way toward mutual respect, harmony, and understanding.