• The Ride of Your Life

    | Dec 29, 2023
    Talk about the power of a woman! Can you believe Esther's diplomacy and sensitivity, even in the midst of pleading for her life and the lives of her people? "If we were only being sold into slavery, I wouldn't have troubled you with this matter."
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  • The Fog Is Lifting

    | Dec 28, 2023
    Imagine swimming in a vast lake and getting three or four hundred yards offshore when suddenly a freak fog rolls in and surrounds you. You're trapped in this tiny circle of diffused light, but you can't see beyond your arm's reach.
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  • When God Seems Absent

    | Dec 27, 2023
    If you're like me, you're often waiting for the other shoe to drop. In this instance, we're waiting for—and wanting—Haman to get what he deserves. Everything within us craves justice. Especially with a loser like Haman.
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  • Genuinely Humble

    | Dec 26, 2023
    "What goes around comes around." That popular saying has never been truer than it is here. Things have gone around for Haman—yet they finally come around for Mordecai.
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  • Operation Arrival

    | Dec 25, 2023
    For the longest time I didn't understand the new-car industry. I had always thought it worked like this. When a guy wanted a car, he dropped by the local dealership, kicked a few tires, slammed some doors, and fiddled around with radios, hoods, and trunk lids.
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  • One Long Extended Gift

    | Dec 24, 2023
    It's not too late to give some things away this Christmas. Not just on Christmas Day, but during the days after December 25. We could call these daily gifts "our Christmas projects." Maybe one per day from now 'til the end of the year.
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  • God Notices

    | Dec 23, 2023
    Never fails, does it? Things are not as they seem. And about the time you think they cannot get worse, they do. This was certainly true for Mordecai at a pivotal point in the story of Esther. When all seems lost, it isn't.
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  • God's Silence

    | Dec 22, 2023
    Since we are trapped in this earthbound cage, this little space where light is often diffused and God is sometimes silent, how can we be sensitive to His interventions? What do we do when we, like Job, struggle in the fog with God's silence?
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  • Full of Surprises

    | Dec 21, 2023
    God was at work in the waiting, filling her thoughts with a plan. When you wait on the Lord, you don't have to sit in a corner contemplating your navel, or walk around in a daze humming "Sweet Hour of Prayer."
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  • Calm, Wise, and Confident

    | Dec 20, 2023
    No king has ever intimidated God, no matter how wealthy his treasury, how extensive his kingdom, or how powerful his armies. God can handle anyone. Anyone! He can handle your husband. He can handle your wife.
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  • Wait . . . and Listen

    | Dec 19, 2023
    During the three days of waiting, there is a "white space" when nothing is happening—at least nothing visible. You could easily tell yourself at the time, "I'm waiting in vain. Nothing's going to change."
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  • Results of Waiting

    | Dec 18, 2023
    Now, even though what happened in the three days between chapters 4 and 5 is not recorded, don't think for a moment that God is whiling away His time, busy with other things. Remember, He may be invisible, but He is at work.
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  • A Silent Interlude

    | Dec 17, 2023
    Between chapters four and five of this ancient book of Esther, there's a break in time. It's a space of suspense when we don't know what is happening. Nothing is recorded for us to read.
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  • I Will Stand

    | Dec 16, 2023
    When it comes to touching the heart, few things do it as well as a song or a story. We all know occasions where the right music combined with the right lyrics wooed us or someone we know back to God.
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  • The Cause

    | Dec 15, 2023
    Is that a great answer or what? Is this a great woman? She's had only a few moments to consider what Mordecai had told her, a brief slice of time to weigh his counsel. It was all she needed. She is determined to make a difference.
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  • Risk It!

    | Dec 14, 2023
    What does it matter if I get involved or not? It matters greatly—it matters to your character! Yes, it's true that God has other ways to accomplish His objectives. He has other people He can use.
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  • I'm Available

    | Dec 13, 2023
    Let's look at Haman. This guy hates Mordecai not just because he's a Jew, but because Mordecai will not bow down to him. So Haman talks the king into a game plan. "If you follow my rules, I will pour money into your treasury."
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  • Cultivating Character

    | Dec 12, 2023
    Now, before you frown and entertain thoughts of self-righteousness, thinking that you would never have responded like that, remember, you're surrounded by friends in a safe and unthreatened environment.
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  • Watch Your Words

    | Dec 11, 2023
    Have you noticed how suffering brings people together? Have you watched how people join forces to respond to disasters? Hardship forces us to grab hands with one another and pull up closer together.
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  • Make a Difference

    | Dec 10, 2023
    Only one missionary invests his whole life in a remote area, and an entire tribe is ultimately evangelized. Only one statesman stands for right, and a country is saved.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.