• Finding Fulfillment

    | Nov 13, 2020
    FULFILLMENT MUST BE ONE OF life's choicest gifts. It is a major building block toward authentic happiness. No doubt, Solomon had it in mind when he wrote these timeless words:
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  • The Blessings of Family

    | Nov 12, 2020
    A FAMILY IS LIKE MANY THINGS, perhaps most like a garden. It needs time, attention, and cultivation. The sunshine of laughter and affirmation.
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  • Overcoming Envy

    | Nov 11, 2020
    SHAKESPEARE CALLED IT "the green-eyed monster." Bacon admitted it "keeps no holidays." Horace declared that "tyrants never invented a greater torment."
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  • Going . . . and Not Knowing

    | Nov 10, 2020
    THERE IS A STRANGE STATEMENT IN Scripture that flashes like a bright neon sign. Paul made it while he was saying good-bye to a group of friends standing near him. It was a sad moment heavy with emotion.
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  • Disorientation

    | Nov 09, 2020
    DISORIENTATION IS THE PITS. When you travel a lot (like airline personnel) you must deal with it.
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  • Don’t Flinch, Stand Firm

    | Nov 08, 2020
    TUCKED AWAY IN THE FOLDS OF Hebrews 11 is a two-word biography worth a second glance: "He endured" (11:27, NASB). The Living Bible says, "[he] kept right on going."
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  • Show Some Heart

    | Nov 07, 2020
    WEBSTER DEFINES THE WORD "cordial" as of or relating to the heart: vital, tending to revive, cheer, or invigorate, heartfelt, gracious. That's really a mouthful; in fact, that's worth a few minutes of our time together.
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  • Finding Peace in Conflict

    | Nov 06, 2020
    PAUL WANTED TO BE IN HEAVEN but needed to be on earth. In a temporal sort of way, this time of year, I share his frustration.
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  • Just Be You

    | Nov 05, 2020
    THERE IS ONLY ONE YOU. In our overly-populated, identity-crisis era it is easy to forget this. Individuality is played down. We are asked to conform to the "system."
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  • Focus on What Matters

    | Nov 04, 2020
    SHOPPING SEASON HAS ARRIVED! Admit it: you're already on a roll! You've started swiping your credit card all over town hoping to get in on the early bird sales. And Black Friday is coming still!
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  • Slowing Down before the Holidays

    | Nov 03, 2020
    APPOINTMENTS, ACTIVITIES, ASSIGNMENTS . . . demands, decisions, deadlines . . . schedules, services, seminars . . . plans, people, programs . . . STOP!
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  • The Gift of Admiration

    | Nov 02, 2020
    YEARS AGO, when I pastored in California, an usher met me as I was leaving the church. He had been involved in counting the morning offering.
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  • Open to Change

    | Nov 01, 2020
    ALL OF US HAVE PRACTICED certain areas of wrong from our youth. It is a pattern of life that comes "second nature" to us. As a result, it strongly resists change.
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  • Blowing It

    | Oct 31, 2020
    IT HAPPENS TO ALL OF US. Teachers as well as students. Cops as well as criminals. Parents as well as kids. The diligent as well as the lazy.
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  • From Depraved to Saved

    | Oct 30, 2020
    WHOEVER IS SOFT ON depravity should watch Schindler's List. It's not for the fainthearted, I should warn you.
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  • The Forgotten Side of Success

    | Oct 29, 2020
    OURS IS FAST BECOMING a success-saturated society. The telltale signs are everywhere. Check the magazine racks at airports, hotels, and drugstores.
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  • The Kindness of God

    | Oct 28, 2020
    "MY TREAT!" Nice words to hear, huh? They have flowed into my ears from any number of places—yours, too.
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  • Humility before Honor

    | Oct 27, 2020
    IN A WORLD WHERE EVERYONE is out to serve self, it's refreshing to read these ancient words from the pen of one of the most powerful men who ever lived: Solomon.
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  • He Makes All Things New

    | Oct 26, 2020
    THERE IS NO TORMENT like the inner torment of an unforgiving spirit. Without question, it is one of the most miserable attitudes to experience in life.
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  • Persistence Pays

    | Oct 25, 2020
    PERSISTENCE IS A COSTLY INVESTMENT, no question about it. But the dividends are so much greater than the original outlay that you'll almost forget the price.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.