• Overcoming Discouragement

    | Dec 04, 2020
    BEING A PROPHET IN Israel wasn't an easy gig. That's the understatement of the year. Most of the men God called were expected to boldly bear the bad news of God's displeasure with the attitudes and sins of His people.
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  • Finding Courage

    | Dec 03, 2020
    I RECALL THE FIRST TIME I watched the children's classic movie The Wizard of Oz. I was spellbound by the music and the enchanting way in which the simple themes of family, valuing home, and celebrating individual differences were on display.
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  • Fighting Extremes

    | Dec 02, 2020
    STRANGE, ISN'T IT, how we tend toward extremes? What begins as self-improvement becomes self-enslavement. What starts as merely a mellow change of pace leads to a marathon of fanaticism.
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  • Don’t Wait

    | Dec 01, 2020
    I'M THE GUY WHO PROMOTES WAITING and allowing the Lord to open the doors and shove you through. You know, all the stuff you expect a preacher to say.
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  • Tenderness

    | Nov 30, 2020
    BACK WHEN I WAS A KID I got a bellyache that wouldn't go away. It hurt so bad I couldn't stand up straight. Or sit down without increasing the pain.
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  • Sincerity

    | Nov 29, 2020
    "ANGELA ATWOOD WAS a dear, honest, sincere girl, who—like Christ—died for her beliefs." These words actually fell from the lips of the Reverend Citro, a Roman Catholic priest . . .
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  • Short and Sweet

    | Nov 28, 2020
    AVERAGE LIFE SPANS ARE shorter than most of us realize. Unlike the great redwood trees that can last for a thousand years, most other things come and go quickly.
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  • Don't Quit

    | Nov 27, 2020
    YEARS AGO, I listened as Anna Sklar, the author of a book titled Runaway Wives, shared some shocking statistics.
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  • Thanks for God’s Giving

    | Nov 26, 2020
    I USED TO FEEL A LITTLE SORRY FOR Thanksgiving in Southern California when my family and I lived there. Since leaves don’t turn and pumpkins don’t get frosty, it’s tough to get Thanksgiving fever.
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  • A Psalm of Thanksgiving

    | Nov 25, 2020
    BY NOW, YOU'VE NOTICED I've got a love affair going with Thanksgiving. It has been going on as far back as I can remember. Hands down, it's my favorite holiday of all. Here's why . . .
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  • Giving Thanks All Around

    | Nov 24, 2020
    IT'S ALMOST THANKSGIVING . . . MY FAVORITE. When it comes to holidays, this one tops 'em all, in my opinion.
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  • An Abundant Life

    | Nov 23, 2020
    CALL IT THE REBEL IN ME, but I simply cannot bear plain vanilla when life has so many other flavors far more interesting and tasty. God has so much more in view for all of us.
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  • When God's in the Whirlwind

    | Nov 22, 2020
    BLOW THAT LAYER OF dust off the book of Nahum in your Bible and catch a glimpse of this: "He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm."
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  • Move toward the Unexpected

    | Nov 21, 2020
    MOST FOLKS I KNOW LIKE things to stay as they are. Being creatures of habit, we resist change; we protect our comfort zone; we are uneasy with the unexpected.
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  • Sound a Clear Call

    | Nov 20, 2020
    "DON'T GARBLE THE MESSAGE!" If I heard that once during Marine boot camp, I must've heard it four dozen times. Again and again, our outfit was warned against hearing one thing, then passing on a slightly different version.
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  • Enjoying Good Things

    | Nov 19, 2020
    WEALTH IS SAID TO be the parent of luxury. Perhaps you're reluctant to entertain any dreams since daily reality turns them into nightmares of unfulfilled desire.
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  • Monuments

    | Nov 18, 2020
    THE FOUR MONUMENTS OF HUMAN NATURE: Fortune, Fame, Power, Pleasure Built in clusters, making them appear formidable . . . and acceptable.
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  • Avoiding Self-Praise

    | Nov 17, 2020
    "SELF-PRAISE," says an ancient adage, "smells bad." In other words, it stinks up the works. God says He hates "haughty eyes" (Proverbs 6:17).
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  • Hidden Resentment

    | Nov 16, 2020
    THE POISON OF RESENTMENT enters the soul imperceptibly after injury or personal insult. It can also come through the sting of misunderstanding, injustice, and betrayal.
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  • Providence

    | Nov 15, 2020
    WHOEVER READS THE WRITINGS OF Christians from earlier centuries is struck with the frequent references to God's providence. Why don't we hear more about it today?
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.