• The Sinking Sand of Superstition

    | Mar 13, 2021
    THE GREAT PLAGUE STRETCHED across London like a thick, drab blanket. It came as a thief in the night. The mortality rate was astounding.
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  • Beginning Again

    | Mar 12, 2021
    INSTANT REPLAYS HAVE BECOME OLD HAT. We now expect them in all televised scenarios.
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  • Be Ready and Make It Clear

    | Mar 11, 2021
    ONE OF THE TOUGHEST assignments in life is to communicate clearly what happened during a time when emotions were high. People who “fall in love” can hardly describe the details of the moment.
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  • The Small Stuff

    | Mar 10, 2021
    WE OFTEN HEAR PEOPLE SAY, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Although sweating the small stuff can occasionally be a drag, there’s another side to that coin.
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  • Stay in Circulation

    | Mar 09, 2021
    DURING THE REIGN OF OLIVER CROMWELL, the British government began to run low on silver for coins.
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  • Slamming the Door to Lust

    | Mar 08, 2021
    SAMSON WAS A HE-MAN WITH A SHE-WEAKNESS. Although he was born of godly parents, set apart from his birth to be a Nazirite, and elevated to the enviable position of judge in Israel, he never won the battle with lust.
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  • After the Avalanche

    | Mar 07, 2021
    JOB UNDERSTOOD WOUNDS. The words he used to describe them were more than patronizing platitudes and theoretical proverbs. He’d been there and back again.
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  • All about Time

    | Mar 06, 2021
    I’M PASSIONATE ABOUT TIME MANAGEMENT. I want efficiency and effectiveness. In fact, a weakness of mine is books on the investment of my time.
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  • Lifelines

    | Mar 05, 2021
    TO ME, BIRTHDAYS ARE JUST another routine realization that I'm not getting any younger. I know that because the cake won't hold all the candles.
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  • Does Anyone Care?

    | Mar 04, 2021
    ON THAT ICY JANUARY MORNING, in a twenty-five-cent-a-night flophouse, a shell of a man who looked twice his age staggered to the washbasin and fell. The basin toppled and shattered.
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  • Looking for the Prize

    | Mar 03, 2021
    GROWING OLD, LIKE TAXES, is a fact we all must face. Now, you’re not going to get me to declare when growing up stops and growing old starts.
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  • The Pain of Resentment

    | Mar 02, 2021
    LEONARD WAS A PARAGON OF RESPECTABILITY. The middle-aged, hardworking lab technician had worked at the same Pennsylvania paper mill for nineteen years.
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  • Open Minds, Open Hearts

    | Mar 01, 2021
    THE LONGER I LIVE THE LESS I know with absolute certainty. In my younger years, I viewed most things as either black or white.
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  • A Haughty Self

    | Feb 28, 2021
    THERE'S NOTHING MORE DISTASTEFUL than someone who is set on self-glossing—offering his résumé and list of achievements unsolicited to everyone in the room.
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  • Things That Really Matter

    | Feb 27, 2021
    IF YOU FOUND YOURSELF near the end of your days, close to death, who or what would you most want by your side? That’s a compelling question, isn’t it?
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  • Doing vs. Being

    | Feb 26, 2021
    MY HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS had its thirtieth anniversary reunion many summers ago. Since I could not attend, I decided to blow the dust off my yearbook and stroll down nostalgia lane.
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  • Taking Time

    | Feb 25, 2021
    EIGHT WORDS WERE BRASHLY SMEARED across the dashboard of the speedboat tied up at Gulf Shores, Alabama. They reflected the flash and flair of its owner whose fast life was often publicized in sporting news across America.
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  • The Case against Vanilla

    | Feb 24, 2021
    I CANNOT IMAGINE ANYTHING more boring and less desirable than being poured into the mold of predictability. Few things interest me less than the routine, the expected, the status quo.
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  • Staying Alert

    | Feb 23, 2021
    YOUR MIND IS A MUSCLE. It needs to be stretched to stay sharp. It needs to be prodded and pushed to perform. Let it get idle and lazy on you, and that muscle will become a pitiful mass of flab in a brief period of time.
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  • Removing Sin

    | Feb 22, 2021
    EVER FEEL WORN OUT BY the spinning of your wheels in the muck of sin? Are you fatigued from fighting the battle against your dark nature?
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.