• The Real Reason for the Season

    | Dec 23, 2020
    YOU'VE SEEN IT. SO HAVE I. The phrase is on bumper stickers, it appears on coffee mugs, it often finds its way onto greeting cards, billboards, and church signs. It has become almost synonymous with Christ.
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  • A Simple Season

    | Dec 22, 2020
    THE WONDER OF AMAZON just continues to spread. Tens of thousands of employees and hundreds of thousands of square feet of operations all work with amazing precision to coordinate the receiving, packaging, and shipping of millions of products all around the world.
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  • The Gift That Lives On

    | Dec 21, 2020
    "WHAT IN THE WORLD can I give to ______ this Christmas?" Sound familiar? Sure, it's probably the most frequently asked question every Yuletide season.
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  • An Unexpected Gift

    | Dec 20, 2020
    CHRISTMAS DAY NEVER arrived so slowly, but finally it dawned. While no one was looking, I had shaken the box enough to know that it had to contain what I had been wanting so badly—right size, right weight, everything.
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  • The Irony of Incarnation

    | Dec 19, 2020
    THE CHRISTMAS STORY HAS been so sanitized and romanticized over the centuries that even Hollywood—as jaded a culture as can be found anywhere—fails to capture the gritty pathos that surrounded Jesus' arrival.
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  • I Brake for Christmas

    | Dec 18, 2020
    A FEW DECEMBERS AGO, I saw something that I won't soon forget. The bumper sticker on the back of the car in front of me caught my eye. It made me think. And it even aroused some guilt.
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  • Dangers at Christmas

    | Dec 17, 2020
    IN THIS SEASON OF EXTREME BUSYNESS, we Christians need to stay alert to any potential dangers. I'll mention only four of them . . . along with some strategies that will allow us to combat each risk.
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  • No Worms in Heaven

    | Dec 16, 2020
    IT HAPPENED TO ME LAST WEEK. Isaac Watts did it again. One of his best hymns (he wrote over six hundred!) lingered in my head for more than an hour before I formed the words with my mouth.
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  • Hope for the Weary

    | Dec 15, 2020
    MANY YEARS AGO, my brother, Orville, introduced a hymn to me I'd not heard before. Its moving strains often accompany me as I drive or walk in solitude or return late from a day of demands.
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  • Songs in the Night

    | Dec 14, 2020
    THERE'S NOTHING LIKE THE SONGS OF the faith to help us live beyond the grind. Why else would God have inspired those age-old compositions?
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  • Tears at Christmas

    | Dec 14, 2020
    I'VE LIVED LONG ENOUGH TO know that sometimes Christmas hurts. And when words fail, tears flow.
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  • Make a Difference at Christmas

    | Dec 13, 2020
    SOMEBODY COPIED THIS piece from a well-worn carbon in the billfold of a thirty-year veteran missionary. She and her husband were on their way to another tour of duty in Sudan.
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  • A New Thing

    | Dec 12, 2020
    THOUGH I HAVE WALKED WITH God for several decades, I must confess I still find much about Him incomprehensible and mysterious. But this much I know: He delights in surprising us.
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  • Season of Obedience

    | Dec 11, 2020
    SAMUEL WAS NOT IMPRESSED. Having discovered that the self-reliant king had once again disobeyed God's command, the exasperated prophet rebuked the stubborn king as few men in Scripture were rebuked:
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  • Surrendering Your Will

    | Dec 10, 2020
    THE PSALMIST WAS CORRECT: the heavens do indeed proclaim the glory of God. The skies do indeed display his craftsmanship (see Psalm 19:1).
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  • Slaying Giants

    | Dec 09, 2020
    GOLIATH REMINDS ME OF the cross-eyed discus thrower. He didn't set many records . . . but he sure kept the crowd awake!
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  • Beware of False Prophets

    | Dec 08, 2020
    THERE'S A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE. That isn't funny; it's tragic. Fakery draws its fuel from the pit. That's what God tells us.
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  • Incarnation

    | Dec 07, 2020
    EVERY YEAR, as Christmas draws nearer, I remember a story Paul Harvey told on one of his radio broadcasts. It's a tale that never grows old.
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  • The Gift That Keeps on Giving

    | Dec 06, 2020
    ALTHOUGH IT MAY BE a little ahead of schedule, it's not too early to give some things away this Christmas. Not just on Christmas Day, but during the days leading up to December 25.
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  • The Fullness of Time

    | Dec 05, 2020
    The whole world was on fire with the flames of Rome's rampaging expansion. What could possibly have been more important than Caesar's decrees or Rome's massive building programs?
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.