• God’s Control

    | Feb 21, 2021
    DAWSON TROTMAN, founder of the Navigators, an organization discipling and mentoring ministry leaders around the world, drowned while saving a swimmer from certain death.
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  • Forever Discontented

    | Feb 20, 2021
    PRACTICALLY SPEAKING, greed is an inordinate desire for more, an excessive, unsatisfied hunger to possess. Like an untamed beast, greed grasps, claws, reaches, clutches, and clings—stubbornly refusing to surrender.
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  • Stuck in the Past

    | Feb 19, 2021
    PERHAPS YOU’RE FIGHTING an inner battle with a ghost from the past. The specter of a previous hurt haunts your mind and steals your peace.
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  • Facing Failures

    | Feb 18, 2021
    ANY THIRD GRADER COULD have told you the vaunted sky cycle leap across the Snake River Canyon on that sultry Sunday afternoon was a triple-A flop—a classic fizzle.
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  • A Rare and Remarkable Virtue

    | Feb 17, 2021
    THE RARE AND REMARKABLE VIRTUE OF patience is within the and-so-forth section in Galatians chapter 5. You know how we quote that passage . . . “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, and-so-forth.”
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  • Nit-Picking

    | Feb 16, 2021
    TWO CONGREGATIONS OF differing denominations were located only a few blocks from each other in a small community. They thought it might be better if they would merge and become one united body.
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  • The Great Surprise

    | Feb 15, 2021
    THE FEELINGS ARE FAMILIAR. Mouth open. Eyes like saucers. Chill up the spine. “The flash of a mighty surprise” boggles the mind, leaving us somewhere between stunned and dumb with wonder.
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  • Keeping Your Word

    | Feb 14, 2021
    MARCH 11, 1942, was a dark, desperate day at Corregidor. One island after another in the Pacific theater had been buffeted into submission.
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  • Spiritual Famine

    | Feb 13, 2021
    We may find physical famine almost impossible to believe. But how about spiritual famine? You don’t need imagination for that!
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  • Pursuing Worthy Trophies

    | Feb 12, 2021
    HE WAS BRILLIANT. Clearly a child prodigy, the pride of Salzburg, a performer par excellence. One of the most brilliant and gifted composers of all time left earth at the young age of thirty-five.
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  • Careful, Don’t Stumble

    | Feb 11, 2021
    NOTHING DAMAGES OUR DIGNITY LIKE STUMBLING! I have seen people dressed to the hilt stumble and fall flat on their faces as they were walking to church.
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  • Watch Out for Fakes

    | Feb 10, 2021
    MY FRIEND ATE DOG FOOD ONE EVENING. He was at an elegant student reception in a physician’s home. The dog food was served on delicate crackers.
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  • Destination Unknown

    | Feb 09, 2021
    You remember Thomas Henry Huxley. Devoted disciple of Charles Darwin. Famous biologist, teacher, and author. Defender of the theory of evolution.
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  • God’s Aware of Your Tears

    | Feb 08, 2021
    TEARS HAVE A LANGUAGE ALL THEIR OWN, needing no interpreter. In some mysterious way, our inner-communication system knows its verbal limitations, and the tears come.
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  • Our Words Matter Much

    | Feb 07, 2021
    ABRAHAM LINCOLN’S COFFIN WAS pried open on more than one occasion. Once in 1887, twenty-two years after his assassination. Why? It was not to determine if he had died of a bullet fired from John Wilkes Booth’s derringer.
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  • A Willingness to Go with God

    | Feb 06, 2021
    WHEN GOD CALLS A SERVANT, there is little room for negotiation. The most striking example of this is when God spoke to Abram, lifting him from obscurity and setting him on a course that would change human history.
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  • Friendly—Inside and Out

    | Feb 05, 2021
    ARE YOU ATTRACTIVE? I’m not referring to external beauty nor facial features. I’m asking if you are personally attractive—magnetic, winsome, charming, friendly.
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  • Cool Skepticism

    | Feb 04, 2021
    NINE-YEAR-OLD DANNY BURST OUT OF Sunday school, eyes darting in every direction trying to locate his mom or dad. After a quick search, he grabbed his daddy by the leg.
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  • A Quiet Place

    | Feb 03, 2021
    IT IS ALMOST 10:00, MONDAY NIGHT. The children are snoozing upstairs. Aside from a few outside noises—a passing car . . . a barking dog . . . a few, faint voices in the distance—all’s quiet on the home front.
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  • Are You Listening?

    | Feb 02, 2021
    HOW OFTEN HAVE YOU HEARD someone say, “Are you listening to me?” Let’s be honest: in a culture awash in cell phones, social media, and other addictive technologies, we’re losing the fine art of listening.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.