• The Satisfaction of Being Thorough

    | Feb 01, 2021
    I HAVE JUST TAKEN MY Webster’s Dictionary off the shelf and looked up thorough. It means, “carried through to completion, careful about detail, complete in all respects.”
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  • When You Grow Up

    | Jan 31, 2021
    “WHAT DO YOU WANT TO be when you grow up?” The answers we receive are all over the map. One youngster recently told me he wanted to be either a car mechanic or a garbage collector.
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  • A ''Renewed Mind'' Is Essential

    | Jan 30, 2021
    IS IT POSSIBLE TO THINK SO much like Christ that our minds operate on a different plane than those of others around us? Not only is it possible—it’s essential!
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  • Mental Barriers to God’s Voice

    | Jan 29, 2021
    DO YOU REALIZE THE POWER OF humanistic reasoning to block the power of Scripture? Let me be specific.
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  • Two Questions

    | Jan 28, 2021
    WHEN COMPARING THE ACTS OF forgiving and forgetting, I believe forgetting is the tougher assignment. Why? Because forgetting is something that is shared with no other person.
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  • What You Gain in Losing

    | Jan 27, 2021
    In comparison to Jesus Christ and all the things He has made possible—His forgiveness, His love, His righteousness—everything else we may be or accomplish diminishes in significance.
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  • Vulnerability

    | Jan 26, 2021
    COULD WE REVISIT those words Paul wrote? “I have not achieved it . . . forgetting the past . . . looking forward to what lies ahead.” Paul's openness is best described with one word: vulnerability.
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  • Determination

    | Jan 25, 2021
    THOSE WHO REFUSE to get bogged down in and anchored to the past are those who pursue the objectives of the future. People who do this are never petty.
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  • When God Forgives

    | Jan 24, 2021
    TRUTH BE TOLD, it’s God’s forgiveness of us that makes it possible for us to forgive others. Jesus Christ paid in full the penalty for our sin.
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  • The Power of Forgiveness

    | Jan 23, 2021
    LATE ONE SPRING AARON, a seminary student, was asking God for a position at a church or at a Christian organization. When nothing happened, Aaron took a job driving a bus in a dangerous section of Chicago.
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  • Sticking with a Commitment

    | Jan 22, 2021
    A FULL YEAR BEFORE THE apostle Paul wrote to people who comprised the Corinthian church, they had begun a project. No doubt they got started with a burst of enthusiasm, the thrill of a fresh beginning.
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  • Making a Thorough Self-Evaluation

    | Jan 21, 2021
    I'LL NEVER FORGET SOMETHING I heard on the radio several years ago. A woman in West Palm Beach, Florida, died alone at the age of seventy-one. The coroner's report was tragic. "Cause of death: malnutrition."
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  • The Cost of Following

    | Jan 20, 2021
    Following Christ as His disciple is a costly, unselfish decision. It calls for a radical examination of our self-centered life. Whew! That's one of those easy things to say but awfully tough to carry out.
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  • When Actions Matter More than Words

    | Jan 19, 2021
    QUITE A WHILE AGO, a young man expressed an interest in living in our home and being discipled in the context of our family.
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  • A Gift That Overflows

    | Jan 18, 2021
    THE CHRISTIANS IN THE Macedonian churches were servants who gave without any concern about receiving the credit for their generosity. But Paul reveals something else remarkable about the nature of their gift:
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  • A Nameless Giver

    | Jan 17, 2021
    WHEN THE APOSTLE PAUL MADE his way through Europe, specifically the region of ancient Macedonia, he shared with those believers the financial need of the Jerusalem church.
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  • Humility and Inferiority

    | Jan 16, 2021
    PART OF HUMILITY IS HAVING a preset mentality that determines thoughts like this: "I care about those around me."
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  • Just Chill about You

    | Jan 15, 2021
    I LIKE THE TONGUE-IN-CHEEK definition of philosophers one of my seminary professors would occasionally use. It's classic: "Philosophers are people who talk about something they don't understand and then make you think it's your fault!"
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  • Playing Second Fiddle

    | Jan 14, 2021
    I REMEMBER READING OF Leonard Bernstein, the late, legendary conductor of the New York Philharmonic, giving an insightful answer in an informal interview.
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  • The Origin of Self

    | Jan 13, 2021
    TO FULLY UNDERSTAND the battle against "self" we must go back, way back, to that ancient scene pictured for us in the second and third chapters of Genesis: the Garden of Eden.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.