• Learning to Be Last

    | Jan 12, 2021
    I'LL NEVER FORGET A TRIP I took with my older son to shoot the rapids on the Rogue River in Oregon. While our group was receiving instructions from the guide, I began to study the canoes.
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  • Appraising Your Life

    | Jan 11, 2021
    IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE you took stock of where you are going, hasn't it? And how about an evaluation of the kids? Or your marriage? Or your own future?
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  • The Forgotten Side of Success

    | Jan 10, 2021
    MAYBE WE SHOULD CONFESS that one reason we find it so hard to set selfishness aside and adopt the spirit of a servant is that we're driven by dreams of success. We want to be winners.
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  • I, Me, Mine, Myself

    | Jan 09, 2021
    THOSE FOUR WORDS stood out in bold print. They appeared as if they were forming an enormous monument, each letter seemingly chiseled out of granite.
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  • Absolute Honesty

    | Jan 08, 2021
    Paul's words offer a bracing tonic for our age of duplicity. Honesty has a beautiful and refreshing simplicity about it . . . as do followers of Christ who embrace such Spirit-empowered virtues.
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  • An Enduring Mercy

    | Jan 07, 2021
    The longer Paul served Christ, the more generous and gracious he became. He never recovered from the mercy he had been shown by the Lord.
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  • Where the Real Power Resides

    | Jan 06, 2021
    THE GREAT APOSTLE PAUL was just like you and me. He had a love for God blended with feet of clay. Great passion . . . and great weakness.
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  • Who’s on First?

    | Jan 05, 2021
    IN MANY CHURCHES, Christians tend to get so caught up in a success-and-size race that the primary calling of following Jesus gets lost in the journey.
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  • How’s Your Attitude?

    | Jan 04, 2021
    I LOVE THE STORY OF a sea captain who, while navigating his ship through a storm, found himself on a collision course with what he thought was a large vessel in the distance.
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  • The Way Up Is Down

    | Jan 03, 2021
    JOURNEY BACK WITH ME for a moment to one of the many scenes that demonstrated just how ordinary Jesus' disciples were.
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  • A Servant, Not a Celebrity

    | Jan 02, 2021
    Nothing is more refreshing than a servant's heart and a giving spirit. This is especially true when such Christlike qualities are displayed in a person tagged as celebrity.
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  • What’s God up to in Your Life?

    | Jan 01, 2021
    OUR WORLD HAS become a large, impersonal, busy affair. Social media and the technological age have caused us to become alienated from each other.
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  • A Worthy Game Plan

    | Dec 31, 2020
    AN OLD YEAR HAS COMPLETED ITS COURSE. A new year is smiling at us, with twelve months of the unknown.
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  • Rising above Disappointment

    | Dec 30, 2020
    WHAT HAPPENS THAT causes you to be disappointed? Someone or something has failed to fulfill your expectations.
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  • Be Joyful

    | Dec 29, 2020
    I refuse to force hilarity into the backseat every time responsibility takes the wheel. If the fun's done, it's because we didn't want it around, not because it didn't fit.
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  • Running to Win

    | Dec 28, 2020
    THE MALCOLM BALDRIGE National Quality Award was awarded many years ago to the iconic Ritz-Carlton Hotels.
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  • A Midwinter Poem

    | Dec 27, 2020
    AS WE MOVE TOWARD the close of this year, we must refocus our priorities. Here is an anchor passage for us as we end one year and begin another.
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  • A Week after Christmas

    | Dec 26, 2020
    EVER WONDERED WHAT happened shortly after Jesus was born? That's an interesting question. We all feel that sense of uncertainty and even confusion after the crowds leave.
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  • Operational Arrival

    | Dec 25, 2020
    MERRY CHRISTMAS! Lost in the wonder of it all, I believe a little child upon my knee would whisper simple words of advice up close to my ear.
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  • The First Christmas Eve

    | Dec 24, 2020
    IN 1818, a roving band of actors was performing in towns throughout the Austrian Alps. Their performance on a starry December night in Oberndorf bei Salzburg, Austria, impacted local pastor Joseph Mohr as the words of the Christ story remained in his heart.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.