• Who's Delinquent?

    | Aug 17, 2022
    Teenagers get a bum rap. Always have. For some reason, if you're between twelve and twenty, you're suspect. Cops stare and senior citizens glare. Why? Well . . . You drive too fast, you think too slow, you aren't responsible, and you can't be trusted.
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  • Being Real, Part Two

    | Aug 16, 2022
    Yesterday I told you about Dave Cowens, an NBA star who disappeared one day on a quest for solitude and meaning. I noted that to "find yourself" requires that you take time to look. And it's essential if you want to be a whole person. The word is real.
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  • Being Real, Part One

    | Aug 15, 2022
    Dave Cowens, one-time star basketball center for the Boston Celtics, disappeared. Without warning, he walked off the practice court, showered, dressed, and drove away. Alone. He kept driving to . . . somewhere.
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  • Our Speech

    | Aug 14, 2022
    A couple of Sundays ago, I was talking with a group of visitors following a morning service. Several were from different sections of our nation. All, of course, spoke English, but a few possessed a distinct dialect that revealed their roots.
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  • A Better Foreman

    | Aug 13, 2022
    A person is a product of his or her own thoughts. Thoughts form the thermostat which regulates what we accomplish in life. My body responds and reacts to the input from my mind. If I feed it with doubt, worry, and discouragement, that is precisely the kind of day I will experience.
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  • Going . . . Not Knowing, Part Two

    | Aug 12, 2022
    Yesterday we read about two great men of the faith, Abraham and the apostle Paul, who set out into the great unknown out of obedience to God. It is no easy thing to leave a sure thing, walk away from an ace in the hole, and start down a long, dark tunnel.
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  • Going . . . Not Knowing, Part One

    | Aug 11, 2022
    The statement recurs through Scripture like a repeating telegraph signal on a high frequency radio band. Sometimes faint, barely discernible—sometimes strong, clear. Over and over. Paul made the statement as he was saying goodbye to a group of friends.
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  • A Message for Misfits

    | Aug 10, 2022
    Before he ever came to the plate, Jephthah had three strikes against him. 1) He was an illegitimate child. Strike one. 2) He was the son of a barmaid and a brute. Strike two. 3) He was raised in an atmosphere of hatred and hostility. Strike three.
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  • My Dad

    | Aug 09, 2022
    I'll never forget the night my dad died. He left like he had lived. Quietly. Graciously. With dignity. Without demands or harsh words or even a frown, he surrendered himself—a tired, frail, humble gentleman—into the waiting arms of his Savior.
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  • Discoveries

    | Aug 08, 2022
    "Can you see anything?" What a question to ask! Howard Carter's mouth and eyes were wide open when his aide asked it. His head was stuck into a timeless tomb. Beads of perspiration popped out on the British archaeologist's brow.
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  • Hope for Survival

    | Aug 07, 2022
    A certain fascinating social phenomenon occurred in American history. Understand, I wasn't living back then, but from what I read, this actually happened. It occurred when "Go west, young man!" was the challenge of America.
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  • A Bridge Called Credibility, Part Two

    | Aug 06, 2022
    Question: Judging yourself on this matter of keeping your word, are you bridging or widening the credibility gap? Are you encouraging or discouraging others? Let me help you answer that by using four familiar situations.
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  • A Bridge Called Credibility, Part One

    | Aug 05, 2022
    March 11, 1942, was a dark, desperate day at Corregidor. The Pacific theater of war was threatening and bleak. One island after another had been buffeted into submission. The enemy was now marching into the Philippines.
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  • Self-Control

    | Aug 04, 2022
    Willpower is a forgotten word amidst most Christian circles today. Many of us are soft, flabby, and fat either outwardly or inwardly . . . or both. The overindulgence and underachievement of our age have created a monster whose brain is lazy.
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  • Being What Ya' Are, Part Two

    | Aug 03, 2022
    As I mentioned yesterday, on many occasions I recall being taught by my parents about the importance of standing alone, setting my own agenda, not trying to be something I wasn't, and above all, walking humbly with my God.
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  • Being What Ya' Are, Part One

    | Aug 02, 2022
    In my more zany moments, I have been known to do some crazy things. I'm relieved that most of them are not known by most of you. If they were, I sincerely doubt that what little bit of dignified respect I may have earned over the years would remain intact.
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  • Relevance

    | Aug 01, 2022
    He was a hated man. He was therefore maligned, threatened, publicly criticized, and privately rebuked. By his own admission he struggled vigorously with sins of the flesh. Especially outrageous anger.
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  • The Big Picture

    | Jul 31, 2022
    If you were to do a little fun research to discover the sheer quantity of activities that happen each day in America, you'd be amazed. Consider, for example, the number of cups of coffee consumed, the number of babies born, . . .
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  • Why Do We Suffer?

    | Jul 30, 2022
    Of all the letters Paul wrote, 2 Corinthians is the most autobiographical. In it the great apostle lifts the veil of his private life and allows us to catch a glimpse of his human frailties and needs. You need to read that letter in one sitting to capture the moving emotion.
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  • Letters of Reference

    | Jul 29, 2022
    September 12, AD 61—Dear Paul: We are considering a man to serve as a manager in the copper plant of our growing company, Corinthian Chariots, Inc. We are an aggressive, innovative firm with plans for expansion into major metropolitan regions.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.