• Dealing with Defiance

    | Oct 16, 2022
    Defiance and stress are inseparable co-conspirators. Together, they scheme to steal your peace of mind. Although the term defiance does not appear in Scripture, acts and attitudes of defiance often do.
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  • Peace Amidst an Uncertain Future

    | Oct 15, 2022
    If you live intimidated by people, then you need to come to terms with your lack of peace. God is bigger than any person. You don't need to dread tomorrow. You don't need to dread your uncontrollable circumstances.
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  • Peace Amidst Unpleasant Circumstances

    | Oct 14, 2022
    About the time you get things settled in your heart and promise, "Lord, I'm not going to panic; I'm going to leave those dreams with You," no small disturbance occurs.
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  • Peace Amidst Unfulfilled Dreams

    | Oct 13, 2022
    Today's Scripture passage, which details events in the life of the apostle Paul, has a lot to teach us about finding peace in spite of our natural tendency to panic. I hope you will read it thoroughly.
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  • Peace . . . in Spite of Panic

    | Oct 12, 2022
    I invite you to focus your full attention on one of the rarest of all virtues. It is a virtue that everybody pursues, but very few possess on a regular basis. I'm referring to the often-longed-for but seldom-found virtue of peace.
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  • Shifting the Stress by Prayer and Rest

    | Oct 11, 2022
    In Parts One through Three we talked about some strategies for alleviating stress. Prayer is another relief—an essential therapy during stressful times. I'm reminded of David on one occasion.
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  • Stress Reduction: Spreading Out the Workload

    | Oct 10, 2022
    We've been talking about the very common and very real problem of stress. Today I'd like to tackle a practical suggestion for stress-reduction: spreading out the workload. There is a side of stress that is easily overlooked.
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  • Overcoming Worry

    | Oct 09, 2022
    In Part One, we looked at a couple of New Testament examples (one negative—Martha, the other positive—Jesus) of people under stress. Let's now go back to the Old Testament and lift out some familiar words of hope.
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  • Two Perspectives on Stress

    | Oct 08, 2022
    There is an old Greek motto that says: YOU WILL BREAK THE BOW IF YOU KEEP IT ALWAYS BENT. Wise words, but how do we loosen the strings? Even when we make every effort to slow down and relax, others place high demands on us.
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  • When We’ve Handled Troubles Correctly

    | Oct 07, 2022
    James 1:12 offers two specific promises for those who have handled troubles as they should—one for now, the other for when we stand before our Lord to receive our eternal rewards.
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  • How Do We Handle Troubles?

    | Oct 06, 2022
    The third question about troubles flows from James’s answer to the first two. We can’t avoid the various troubles in life, but we can accept that God has purposed them for our good.
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  • What Is the Purpose of Troubles?

    | Oct 05, 2022
    When the inevitable troubles of various kinds come, remember the second truth about them—they have a purpose.
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  • Who Will Face Troubles?

    | Oct 04, 2022
    As James begins his discussion of troubles, notice his word choice: “when troubles . . . come your way” (James 1:2, emphasis added).
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  • The Bible’s Realistic Portrayal

    | Oct 03, 2022
    The Bible doesn’t varnish over the rough realities of life with a thick coat of empty clichés. God’s Word meets the truth of unbudging troubles head-on.
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  • Tension in the Tank, Part Two

    | Oct 02, 2022
    In the northeastern United States, codfish are not only delectable, they are a big commercial business. There's a market for eastern cod all over, especially in sections farthest removed from the northeast coastline.
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  • Tension in the Tank, Part One

    | Oct 01, 2022
    Ever felt sorry for certain Scriptures? I sure have. I'm talking about passages like John 3:17, Hebrews 4:13, 1 John 1:10, and Philippians 4:14. Great verses, all . . . yet the popularity of their next-door neighbors has resulted in their being virtually ignored.
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  • The Tailor's Name Is Change, Part Two

    | Sep 30, 2022
    As I mentioned yesterday, as stimulating and invigorating as change may be—it is never easy. And when it comes to certain habits that haunt and harm us, change can be excruciating. But it isn't impossible.
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  • The Tailor's Name Is Change, Part One

    | Sep 29, 2022
    When you boil life down to the nubbies, the name of the game is change. Those who flex with the times, refuse to be rigid, resist the mold, and reject the rut—ah, those are the souls distinctively used by God. To them, change is a challenge.
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  • Sorrow and Hope

    | Sep 28, 2022
    If tears were indelible ink instead of clear fluid, all of us would be stained for life. The heartbreaking circumstances, the painful encounters with calamities, the brutal verbal blows we receive from the surgeon or an angry mate . . .
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  • Perspective

    | Sep 27, 2022
    What is perspective? Well, it's obviously related to the way we view something. The term literally suggests "looking through . . . seeing clearly." One who views life through perspective lenses has the capacity to see things in their true relations or relative importance.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.