December 08, 2022
by Pastor Chuck SwindollScriptures: Proverbs 11:25
Close, open relationships are vital. A glib "Hi, how are ya" must be replaced with genuine concern. The key term is assimilation. When I use the word here, I'm referring to people reaching out to one another.
Close, open relationships are vital. A glib "Hi, how are ya" must be replaced with genuine concern. The key term is connection. When I use the word here, I'm referring to people reaching out to one another.
Being absorbed in the function of the family of God as a participant (rather than a spectator) means
. . . relating to
. . . working with
. . . caring for others whom I know and love.
As I read it over, I see written between the lines the reminder:
This is not automatic. I am personally responsible.
So are you!