• How Do I Know God’s Will?

    | Nov 05, 2022
    Want to know God's will for your life? Let me ask you to stop, look, and listen. God makes His desires known to those who stop at His Word, look in with a sensitive spirit, and listen to others.
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  • Thinking Theologically

    | Nov 04, 2022
    I confess to you, at times I've doubted God's purpose and promise. I say that to my own embarrassment. When things hadn't worked as I thought they would, when I received a no instead of a yes . . .
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  • Persevering through Pressure

    | Nov 03, 2022
    Doubts often steal into our lives like termites into a house. These termite-like thoughts eat away at our faith. Usually, we can hold up pretty well under this attack. But occasionally, when a strong gale comes along we discover we cannot cope.
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  • When Logic Fails

    | Nov 02, 2022
    Human logic breaks down in crisis. The mystery is enormous, and it is the enormity of it all that calls for faith. I'm sorry if that sounds like an overused bromide. But if we could unravel it, why would we need faith?
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  • We Have an Anchor

    | Nov 01, 2022
    The word picture of an anchor is used often in ancient literature, but it's used only once in the New Testament in picturing hope as an anchor for our soul. Lots of hymns and gospel songs make use of this anchor metaphor.
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  • The Hope You Need

    | Oct 31, 2022
    Somewhere along the many miles of southern California shoreline walked a young, 20-year-old woman with a terminal disease in her body and a revolver in her hand. She had called me late one evening. We talked for a long time.
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  • The Reality of Heaven

    | Oct 30, 2022
    The same Bible that develops the subject of hell also reveals the truth about heaven. What is heaven like? Playing harps all day? Lounging around on Cloud Nine? Living in enormous mansions along solid gold streets?
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  • The Reality of Hell

    | Oct 29, 2022
    A particular story Jesus once told comes to my mind every time I think of life after death. Because it is descriptive and brief, we are able to get a fairly uncomplicated picture in our minds of this subject of hell.
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  • Free Offer

    | Oct 28, 2022
    It doesn't take a Ph.D. in English Literature to observe that God offers us a gift in salvation. The gift is eternal life, which is directly connected to His Son. Now let's be clear and cautious. Becoming a member of a church is not the way to salvation.
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  • Are You Lost?

    | Oct 27, 2022
    Being lost is a terrifying experience. A person's head spins as panic creeps up, shouting threats like, "You'll never find your way!" or "It's impossible!" Fear clutches at you. Several strange things are true about being lost.
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  • Change Your Routine

    | Oct 26, 2022
    Following the sixth day of creation, the Lord God deliberately stopped working. He rested. It wasn't that there was nothing else He could have done. It certainly wasn't because He was exhausted. Omnipotence never gets tired!
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  • Relating with Our Friends

    | Oct 25, 2022
    After God made man, He observed a need inside that life, a nagging loneliness that Adam couldn't shake. "Then the LORD God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.'" (Genesis 2:18)
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  • Make Leisure Part of Your Day

    | Oct 24, 2022
    How do you get good at getting the rest God said was good for you? How do you get good at leisure? We can, of course, nod in agreement to all we've discussed in the past couple days about how important it is to rest.
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  • Give Yourself Permission

    | Oct 23, 2022
    Since most humans suffer from a lack of balance in their lives, our best counsel on living a steady and stable life comes from God's Word. In Paul's letter to the Christians in Ephesus, he includes this most unusual command:
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  • Is Fatigue Next to Godliness?

    | Oct 22, 2022
    Now here's a rhyme I'll never understand: Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been? / I've been to London to look at the queen. / Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you there? / I frightened a little mouse under the chair.
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  • Enough Is Enough

    | Oct 21, 2022
    Today's devotional has one primary objective: to help you enjoy yourself, your life, and your Lord more . . . without feeling guilty or unspiritual. Yes, enjoy! In our work-worshiping society, that is no small task.
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  • The Downward Spiral of Defiance

    | Oct 20, 2022
    Talk about going from bad to worse. Defiance is the classic illustration. First, defiance begins with carnal attitudes. Long before there are carnal actions, there are carnal attitudes.
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  • God Takes Action in Response to Defiance

    | Oct 19, 2022
    King Solomon planted seeds of willfulness and independence that reaped a harvest of rebellion in his heart. God's first reaction to Solomon's defiance was a strong statement of divine anger (1 Kings 11:9). What else does the Lord do?
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  • God's Attitude toward Defiance

    | Oct 18, 2022
    Solomon planted seeds of willfulness and independence that reaped a harvest of age-old rebellion in his heart. Let's see what God did in response to Solomon's defiance. Read 1 Kings 11:9–11.
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  • Defiance: A Biblical Warning

    | Oct 17, 2022
    When it comes to the topic of rebellion, King Solomon's story is pretty incredible. Although bright, rich, capable, and the son of a famous father, Solomon became an insolent, carnal man. We need to see how God dealt with him.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.