• Labels

    | Jun 18, 2022
    Let's Label. That's a favorite parlor game among Christians. The rules are easy to remember. Any number can play. But it's especially appealing to those who are given to oversimplification and making categorical comments. Name-droppers thrive on this game.
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  • The Legacy of Learning, Part Two

    | Jun 17, 2022
    Ignorance is not bliss. On the contrary, it is the breeding ground for fear, prejudice, and superstition, to name just a few. Knowledge is critical. The young nation of America saw the need for being knowledgeable.
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  • The Legacy of Learning, Part One

    | Jun 16, 2022
    Slice it any way you wish, ignorance is not bliss. Dress it in whatever garb you please, ignorance is not attractive. Neither is it the mark of humility nor the path to spirituality. It certainly is not the companion of wisdom.
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  • Insensitivity, Part Two

    | Jun 15, 2022
    We've been talking about the tragedy of insensitivity in relationships. Parental sensitivity rates desperately low these days. It's part of the fall-out of our rapid pace. Solomon tells us that our children "make themselves known" by their deeds, their actions.
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  • Insensitivity, Part One

    | Jun 14, 2022
    My kids pulled a fast one on me one Christmas years ago. They teamed up, pooled their vast financial resources, and bought me a little motto to set on my desk. It was more than cute . . . it was convicting.
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  • Suspicion

    | Jun 13, 2022
    If the truth were known, there's a secret "detective spirit" in most of us. With the best of the paperback and television detectives, we vicariously probe for motives, analyze the evidence, and ponder the killer's next move.
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  • Encounter on the Damascus Highway, Part Two

    | Jun 10, 2022
    Yesterday, I told you about a few methods of evangelism that are ineffective, or at least are not the full picture of how God desires His children to share the good news with others. Today, I want to tell you about an alternative.
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  • Encounter on the Damascus Highway, Part One

    | Jun 09, 2022
    Various methods are employed to communicate the good news of Christ to the lost. Some of the approaches appear to be successful and effective on the surface, but underneath they leave much to be desired.
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  • Envy, Part Two

    | Jun 08, 2022
    Shakespeare called it "the green sickness." Bacon admitted "it has no holidays." Horace declared that "tyrants never invented a greater torment." Barrie said envy "is the most corroding of the vices."
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  • Envy, Part One

    | Jun 07, 2022
    What exactly is envy? How does it differ from its twin, jealousy? Envy (the more sophisticated of the two) is a painful and resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another . . . accompanied by a strong desire to possess the same advantage.
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  • Ultimate Rejection

    | Jun 06, 2022
    A number of years ago, on Valentine's Day, a couple was enjoying a romantic drive along a wooded section near Belle Chasse, Louisiana. Something white, shimmering in the trees, caught their eyes.
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  • Keeping Confidences

    | Jun 05, 2022
    Can you keep a secret? Can you? Be honest, now. When privileged information passes through one of the gates of your senses, does it remain within the walls of your mind? Or is it only a matter of time before a leak occurs?
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  • Cheating

    | Jun 04, 2022
    GENTLEMEN: Enclosed you will find a check for $150. I cheated on my income tax return last year and have not been able to sleep ever since. If I still have trouble sleeping, I'll send you the rest. Sincerely, ______________
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  • Apprehension

    | Jun 03, 2022
    The scene is familiar: a hospital lobby with all the trimmings . . . soft sofas and folded newspapers . . . matching carpets and drapes illumined by eerie lighting . . . a uniformed lady at the desk, weary from answering the same questions . . .
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  • Being Wanted, Part Two

    | Jun 02, 2022
    Chances are very good that there are those in your church fellowship, workplace, or family who feel unwanted, forgotten, unloved (and unlovely!)—and are more lonely than words can express. I wish to speak on their behalf and in their defense today.
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  • Being Wanted, Part One

    | Jun 01, 2022
    Her voice was weak and fearful as she spoke to me over the phone. It was almost midnight and she kept apologizing . . . but she was so lonely and wanted someone to listen to her. I never got her name nor her address.
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  • Of Parrots and Eagles, Part Two

    | May 31, 2022
    Eagle thinkers ask the hard questions, take strategic risks, search hard for the whole truth, and soar high above mediocrity. Parrot people enjoy the predictable, routine, rehearsed words of others. As we discussed yesterday, the church is overrun with parrots.
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  • Of Parrots and Eagles, Part One

    | May 30, 2022
    We are running shy of eagles, and we're running over with parrots. Content to sit safely on our evangelical perches and repeat in rapid-fire falsetto our religious words, we are fast becoming overpopulated with bright-colored birds having soft bellies, big beaks, and little heads.
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  • Idols, Part Two

    | May 29, 2022
    Yesterday we talked about how the Israelites began to worship what started out as a good thing but became too much of a good thing: a bronze serpent they called "Nehushtan." We can make an idol out of anything or anyone in life.
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  • Idols, Part One

    | May 28, 2022
    It was the apostle John's final warning to his readers: "Little children, guard yourselves from idols" (1 John 5:21). "Watch out," said John, in effect. "Be on guard against anything that might occupy the place in your heart that should be reserved for God."
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.