• Final Exam, Part Two

    | Jul 02, 2023
    This was Joseph's second part of the final exam. First came the vertical test. Had his brothers gotten to the place where they read the hand of God into their daily life? Yes. They had demonstrated this in their attitude.
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  • Final Exam, Part One

    | Jul 01, 2023
    The sons of Jacob were not far from the city when they looked back and saw the prime minister's steward overtaking them. Once he caught up, he accused them of stealing from the Egyptian leader.
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  • A Reflection of Christ

    | Jun 30, 2023
    Joseph's life offers us a magnificent portrayal of the grace of God as He came to our rescue in the Person of His Son, Jesus. So many come to Him, like Joseph's guilty brothers, feeling the distance and fearing the worst from God.
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  • A Banquet of Grace

    | Jun 29, 2023
    Joseph's brothers were astonished at the way they were being treated. They had expected any number of things to happen to them, including possible death, but certainly not this.
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  • Strength to Weep

    | Jun 28, 2023
    Suddenly, this great man, this strong-hearted and efficient prime minister of a mighty nation, collapsed inside. Like the rest of us, great men and women encounter those times in life when they can no longer restrain their emotions.
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  • Calming Response

    | Jun 27, 2023
    Guilt always does a number on us. It certainly did on Joseph's brothers. Though standing before an unnamed, soft-spoken servant from Egypt, whom they had never really known throughout their lives, they poured out their confession.
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  • A Vertical Focus

    | Jun 26, 2023
    I wonder what those ten men, those ten grown sons of Jacob, talked about during that journey from Canaan to Egypt. I have an idea that it might have been the same things we would have talked about had we been in their sandals.
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  • God's Directions

    | Jun 25, 2023
    Judah put it on the line. "You can't continue to delay and deny the situation. I'll take responsibility for Benjamin's life. If anything happens to him, I will bear the consequences for the rest of my days. Come on, Dad, let's cooperate."
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  • A Horizontal Viewpoint

    | Jun 24, 2023
    When Jacob learned what had happened, the old gentleman shriveled in fear. Rather than saying, "Thank God, He is at work. Men, He loves us and watches over us. In His care we are all safe," he responded negatively and horizontaIly.
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  • New Perspective

    | Jun 23, 2023
    Joseph's brothers wanted to get out of Egypt, like, fast. When the sacks of grain were loaded on their donkeys, they immediately began their journey back to Canaan. But something happened on the first night.
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  • Guilty

    | Jun 22, 2023
    When you have done wrong to someone and haven't gone through the necessary process to make things right with them and with God—when you haven't fully dealt with your transgression—you become the victim of the very distress that you put that person through.
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  • Taking Responsibility

    | Jun 21, 2023
    Put yourself in Joseph's sandals. How must he have felt as he heard their words? So far as his brothers were concerned, he no longer existed! He was buried in the graveyard of their memories. He was "no more."
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  • Giving for His Glory

    | Jun 20, 2023
    If I read these verses correctly this was a widespread famine such as the world had never known, for it says, "The famine was spread over all the face of the earth." In these circumstances what did Joseph do?
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  • Forgive and Forget

    | Jun 19, 2023
    God guided the writer of Genesis to reveal the truth about most every area of Joseph's colorful life. He allows us to see what the man was really like inside, even what he was thinking. We can sum it up in one sentence.
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  • Don't Panic . . . Trust

    | Jun 18, 2023
    This is an excellent opportunity to shift the scene for a moment and look at all this from the perspective of the guy who's out working in the fields, moving stones for one of those interminable, ever-ongoing pyramid projects.
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  • Tender Mercies

    | Jun 17, 2023
    Pharaoh swept his hand out wide, so as to include all that vast land of Egypt, and said, "It's all yours, Joseph." Then he took off his signet ring and put it on Joseph's hand. You know what that ring signified, don't you?
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  • Humility When Promoted

    | Jun 16, 2023
    There stood Joseph right before him, meeting all the requirements. But even then, when it seemed appropriate for Joseph to volunteer, he restrained. The king, however, knew Joseph was the man for the job.
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  • The Turning Point

    | Jun 15, 2023
    After those two full years, Joseph experienced a turning point in his life—on a day that seemed like any other day. That morning dawned like every other morning over the previous two years.
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  • Darkness Before the Dawn

    | Jun 14, 2023
    The process of discovering, processing, purifying, and shaping gold is a lengthy, painstaking process. Affliction is gold in the making for the child of God, and God is the one who determines how long the process takes.
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  • Grace to Endure

    | Jun 13, 2023
    When Joseph saw the cupbearer taken from the prison, he must have thought, Now's my chance! This guy has Pharaoh's ear. He'll get me out of here. We don't know whether Joseph knew what happened to these men.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.