Terry Boyle

Insight for Living Ministries United Kingdom

The Insight for Living broadcast made its debut in the United Kingdom in 1984 through Trans World Radio Monaco. Then, starting in 1995, Premier Radio carried it. Our Insight for Living Ministries (IFLM) regional office was established in the UK in 2006. Scott Bean oversaw the establishment of IFLM UK to serve English-speaking listeners throughout Europe. He continues to serve as the IFLM UK executive director.

The UK office includes ten stations, a website, and testimonies of lives changed from England to Scotland to Wales and Northern Ireland. IFLM UK’s broadcasts fill the gaps for thousands of listeners every day across Europe who don’t have the opportunity to worship at a Bible-based church. In 2018, Terry began serving as IFLM’s executive vice president and chief international instructor for Searching the Scriptures Ministries to develop the pastor-training curriculum for all IFLM offices to use in their Vision 195 pastor-training efforts. Holding a ThM and PhD from Dallas Theological Seminary, Terry serves as lead trainer for pastors around the world.

Terry and Rosie Boyle

In fall 2006, Pastor Chuck and Cynthia Swindoll asked Scott Bean to be the IFLM UK director and tasked him with finding a UK pastor. As Scott listened to the job description, he knew the perfect candidate: his own pastor—none other than Terry Boyle. Native Brits, Terry and his wife Rosie lived in Texas for decades. Terry served in ministry and worked in home repair while Rosie worked as a nurse. After prayer and discussion, the Boyles said yes to IFLM UK. The year 2023 marks Terry’s seventeenth year with IFLM! As a retired nurse, Rosie now enjoys engaging with listeners in Customer Services for IFLM UK.

Formerly, Terry traveled from church to church throughout the UK preaching God’s Word in representation of IFLM UK. Then, in 2018, he shifted his focus toward developing pastor-training curriculum as IFLM’s executive vice president and chief international instructor for Searching the Scriptures Ministries. In 2019, the finished curriculum hit the presses and has since been used to train more than 1,000 pastors in seven languages!


  • United Kingdom
  • Republic of Ireland


  • English
UK newsletter 

The spring 2021 newsletter contains a brief history of our United Kingdom ministry and updates on their current growth and needs.

UK newsletter

Vision 195

Insight for Living is committed to excellence in following Jesus’ Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all the nations” with the message of God's majesty, the authenticity of His Word, the power of the cross, and His amazing grace in all 195 countries of the world.

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