Ben Mogos

Insight for Living Ministries Romania

In 2010, when the Ben and Anda graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS), they returned to Bucharest, Romania, to plant a grace-oriented church, and soon after founded Insight for Living Ministries (IFLM) Romania. In this city of two million, only half of one percent are evangelical Christians, and even fewer are Christians who understand God’s grace. Most Romanians believe salvation can come only through belonging to the Orthodox Church—or they’ve rejected any semblance of religion altogether!

In 2011, IFLM asked Ben to translate Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s messages into Romanian. Together, Ben and Anda established IFLM Romania. The office opened in 2015 and now runs under Ben’s leadership as pastor and under Anda’s leadership as executive director. The IFLM Romania broadcast airs on radio stations throughout Romania and in the United Kingdom. IFLM Romania provides a voice of grace seldom heard elsewhere in this language and culture.

Ben and Anda Mogos

Ben and Anda were born in communist Romania and grew up hundreds of miles apart—Ben on a farm with parents who risked their lives to share the gospel and Anda in poverty in the home of an atheist father committed to the communist army. After the revolution, Anda’s father became a believer and eventually the first evangelical chaplain of the Romanian army! Ben and Anda entered vocational ministry after marrying, which led them to DTS and IFLM.

Upon their return to Romania in 2010, the Lord gave Ben and Anda a vision to plant a church and launch IFLM Romania. Ben now shepherds Agape Church alongside serving as IFLM Romania’s pastor, and Anda leads a counseling practice and speaking ministry alongside serving as IFLM Romania’s executive director. They adore their two children.


  • Romania


Romania newsletter 

The fall 2023 newsletter contains a brief history of our Romanian-language ministry and updates on their current growth and needs.

Romania newsletter

Vision 195

Insight for Living is committed to excellence in following Jesus’ Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all the nations” with the message of God's majesty, the authenticity of His Word, the power of the cross, and His amazing grace in all 195 countries of the world.

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