Subhadheer Vempati title=

Insight for Living Ministries Telugu

Although Insight for Living Ministries (IFLM) has performed translation work in multiple languages in India, it did not have a regional pastor until 2020 when Komal Subhadheer Vempati joined IFLM as pastor of the Telugu language in India. A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS), his passion for reaching his people, combined with the passion for India and financial partnership of a generous American couple, brought this ministry into existence.

Jim and Kelley (avid listeners of the Insight for Living broadcast) had learned a lot about India through their adoption of a young Indian girl in 2004. Since then, God had been preparing their hearts to have a significant part in launching IFLM’s outreach in India. They waited patiently for God to raise up the right pastor and translator to launch this ministry the right way. Now the ministry is launched, and the work of translation is in progress!

Currently, Subhadheer translates articles to place on the IFLM Telugu website and will soon begin translating and recording Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s sermons to be made accessible via radio and web to Telugu-speaking people across the world.

Komal Subhadheer and Usha Vempati

Living in the second-most populous country on earth, Subhadheer daily sees an unending mass of humanity striving to find ultimate meaning in legalistic and oppressive religions. As much as this empty spirituality weighs heavily on the hearts of such a vibrant, colorful country, so Subhadheer’s passion for sharing the gospel of Christ weighs heavily on his heart.

Subhadheer carries this passion because he himself knew the emptiness of Hinduism, until the Lord began drawing his father and mother into faith in Christ. In 2001, Subhadheer, along with his parents and two younger brothers, were all baptized together in a river outside of Vijayawada, India. He has been regularly preaching and teaching God’s Word since 2004. His desire to minister effectively and correctly to his people led him to study at DTS. Subhadheer and his wife, Usha, live in Vijayawada, where he also serves as an assistant pastor and as director of his father’s music ministry.


  • India


  • Telugu
Vision 195

Insight for Living is committed to excellence in following Jesus’ Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all the nations” with the message of God's majesty, the authenticity of His Word, the power of the cross, and His amazing grace in all 195 countries of the world.

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