• A Prayer for Mothers

    | Jul 31, 2021
    We do worship You, our Father, and in our worship we give You our thanks. We thank You, not only for our own mothers and grandmothers but for all women who have filled that role.
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  • For a Fresh Start

    | Jul 30, 2021
    Our Father, in a dry and barren world, where sin is so rampant and society is so filthy, we need a fountain of fresh, clean water full of blessing, truth, and strength.
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  • Gratitude for God's Guidance

    | Jul 29, 2021
    Our Father, for centuries, You have used Your Word in the hearts of men and women in cultures and countries around this world.
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  • For Strong Families

    | Jul 28, 2021
    Marriage. A husband and wife coming together as one. Family. Rearing children. These things are so much of what life is about, our Father.
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  • For Strength in the Battle Against Evil

    | Jul 27, 2021
    Almighty God, You are our all-powerful and invincible Lord. None can overcome You. None can stand against You.
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  • Overcoming Fear

    | Jul 26, 2021
    Lord God, fear threatens to overtake us, to hinder us from trusting You. We often seek to rely on ourselves, trusting in our own strength to accomplish our own desires.
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  • Anticipating His Joyful Return

    | Jul 25, 2021
    Father, we are delighted with the sure expectation of Your Son's return. Thank You for telling us Your plan and not leaving us in a hopeless quandary.
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  • For Endurance in Trials

    | Jul 24, 2021
    Lord, we all remember times of passing through the waters and going through the fire—overwhelming tests and furnace-like trials. And we have the scars to prove it.
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  • For Willingness to Express Generosity

    | Jul 23, 2021
    We stand before You, our Father, as an act of allegiance and submission. And we bow before You in humility and trust. We desire to follow You. Every day, it's an uphill climb.
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  • For Pure Motives in Service

    | Jul 22, 2021
    Father, You made all of us with different personalities, with different gifts and responsibilities, and yet You choose to mingle us together in the same body of believers, over which Christ is Head.
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  • Overcoming Rebellion

    | Jul 21, 2021
    Lord, You know that the human heart is rebellious. You are fully aware that this is a fallen world. We see evidence of it before our very eyes on every evening news broadcast.
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  • The Antidote to Anxiety

    | Jul 20, 2021
    We all have experienced anxiety, our Father. How helpful it is to be reminded, nevertheless, that we are to celebrate Your name, Your work, Your power, Your character, all day every day.
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  • God's Holiness, Our Need

    | Jul 19, 2021
    We come before You, our Father, and we acknowledge that it is Your holiness that draws us to You. And it is that lack of holiness in ourselves that brings from within us such a hunger to know You better.
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  • A Prayer for Fathers

    | Jul 18, 2021
    Lord, You are good to give us fathers. Far too often it's a difficult role and thankless job. Therefore, we pray that You would encourage all the men in that place today.
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  • Leaving a Legacy of Trust

    | Jul 17, 2021
    Our heavenly Father, how grateful we are for Your Son, Jesus. Where would we be without Him? How could we operate our lives without firm confidence in Him?
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  • Overcoming Unfair Treatment

    | Jul 16, 2021
    Dear Lord, we want You to find a yielded and quiet spirit within us. To make that happen, we need You to come in like a flood.
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  • For Assurance of Salvation

    | Jul 15, 2021
    Gracious Father, loving Lord, the beauty of the natural world and its elements that never rebel remind us that we're serving a living Savior.
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  • Putting Down Pride

    | Jul 14, 2021
    Now, our Father, in the simple, plain terms of sinners, we thank You for using for your glory those of us who are given to ugly pride and controlling dominance.
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  • Living the Truth

    | Jul 13, 2021
    It's as though You have written these words to us today, Father . . . indeed, You have. Though they date back to the first century, they fit the twenty-first century like a well-tailored garment.
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  • Living Life to the Fullest

    | Jul 12, 2021
    Our desire, Father, is to be fully present—all there—wherever we are. We want to live to the hilt every situation we believe to be Your will.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.