• God’s Shield against Discouragement

    | Aug 20, 2021
    Sometimes we suffer discouragement because of difficult circumstances caused by no one in particular: natural disasters, disease, economic downturns, injury. Frequently, however, we suffer because enemies cause us harm and refuse to stop.
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  • Failure to Yield

    | Aug 19, 2021
    Solomon pleaded with his son—and, by extension, with all of us—to heed the warning voice of wisdom. A good question is, why? Why must Solomon plead?
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  • Agents of God’s Will

    | Aug 18, 2021
    Having reviewed the attributes of God, focusing on His sovereignty and goodness, David examines himself (Psalm 5:7–8). "But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house . . ."
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  • Out of the Mouths of Babes

    | Aug 17, 2021
    Divine reproofs aren’t limited to Scripture. While Scripture is God’s primary instrument of communication, He will use any means necessary to get our attention when we’re headed in the wrong direction.
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  • The Attributes of God

    | Aug 16, 2021
    After the plea in Psalm 5:1–3, David begins to think through the day that spreads out before him, giving extra consideration to those he would encounter. His song addresses four specific realms of interest.
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  • Danger Signs

    | Aug 15, 2021
    Author and pastor Andy Stanley tells of a time when he and a friend drove from Birmingham to Atlanta and, to shave an hour off their trip, decided to use an unfinished section of Interstate 20.
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  • The Psalmist’s Plea

    | Aug 14, 2021
    Some psalms are difficult to outline; others easily lend themselves to an organized layout. Psalm 5 falls in the latter category. It begins with a plea (Psalm 5:1–3) directed to the Lord, whom David addresses, "O LORD . . . my King . . . "
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  • Reproofs

    | Aug 13, 2021
    Let’s face it: we are a wayward flock of sheep! It’s not so much that we are ignorant, but rather that we are disobedient. More often than not, we know what we ought to do.
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  • A Song of Circumstance

    | Aug 12, 2021
    Songs are usually born out of surrounding circumstances that so affect the thinking of the composer, he cannot help but burst forth with a melody and an accompanying set of lyrics describing his plight.
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  • The Purpose of the Proverbs

    | Aug 11, 2021
    As we open the book of Proverbs in order to discover divine wisdom for ourselves, an appropriate question to ask is, why? Why has God preserved these sayings down through the centuries?
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  • A Life beyond Compare

    | Aug 10, 2021
    The central lesson in Psalm 1 is this: there is not the slightest similarity between the spiritually accelerating life of the righteous and the slowly eroding life of the wicked. Take time to ponder the bold contrasts.
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  • This Means You

    | Aug 09, 2021
    While we are getting better acquainted with the ancient sayings, I should mention that this is a book full of various kinds of people facing a variety of common challenges.
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  • The Ungodly Life

    | Aug 08, 2021
    A key observation in Psalm1:4–6 is contrast. Don't miss the many things that are quite the opposite from the preceding verses. "The wicked are not so, but they are like chaff which the wind drives away."
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  • True Wisdom

    | Aug 07, 2021
    While much of the book of Proverbs came directly from the pen of Solomon, the finished work actually combines the wisdom of several sages, which a final editor compiled and arranged as we have it today.
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  • An Uncompromising Walk

    | Aug 06, 2021
    As I read Psalm 1, three illustrations from the Bible flash into my mind. Two men flirted with evil, then fell; but there was one other who refused to begin a "walk in the counsel of the wicked."
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  • Wisdom and Style

    | Aug 05, 2021
    The book of Proverbs conveys divine wisdom—practical counsel with a vertical dimension—in a style that follows the conventions of Hebrew poetry.
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  • The Godly Life

    | Aug 04, 2021
    In the first three verses of Psalm 1, the psalmist describes the one who chooses to live a righteous life, the one who consciously resists the subtle inroads of compromise.
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  • Life in Three Dimensions

    | Aug 03, 2021
    Every waking moment of our lives, we operate from one of two viewpoints: human or divine. I sometimes refer to these as the horizontal perspective and the vertical perspective.
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  • Compromise and Erosion

    | Aug 02, 2021
    The Hebrews' ancient hymnal begins with a song that addresses one of life's most common grinds: compromise. Please understand, I'm not referring to those give-and-take times so necessary for living in harmony with one another.
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  • The Blessing of Abiding Hope

    | Aug 01, 2021
    Father, show us again the hope that is in the Savior. Calm the minds of those who are anxious, lest they fear that which they have no reason to fear.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.