• A Song of New Hope

    | Sep 09, 2021
    The first word in verse 5 is "but." That little word usually introduces a contrast to the reader. It's as if David is saying, "In contrast to my earlier complaints and fears, my dull eyes and proud heart . . . I have trusted!"
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  • Intimacy with the Almighty

    | Sep 08, 2021
    As we discovered [Monday], “trusting in the Lord with all your heart” begins with the decision to “not lean on your own understanding.” The second choice calls for us to “acknowledge Him in all our ways.”
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  • Looking to God

    | Sep 07, 2021
    As I read Psalm 13 and reflect on the section describing David on his face, overwhelmed with grief and hopelessness, I see two practical areas of application: 1. It was the length of the test that began to weary David.
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  • How to Trust God

    | Sep 06, 2021
    As we continue our study of Solomon’s advice concerning worry, note that the second two lines expand on the main idea to trust in the Lord. “Trusting with all your heart” involves two actions: one negative, the other positive.
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  • Going It Alone

    | Sep 05, 2021
    Swamped by the overwhelming trials of life, David resorts to four common and human ways to handle despondency. In these two verses, he reminds us of ourselves and four mental escape routes we often take under pressure.
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  • Straight Talk about Trust

    | Sep 04, 2021
    In his fatherly advice about worry, Solomon turned from the horizontal dimension to consider the vertical (vv. 5–6), our relationship with God.
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  • From Despondency to Ecstasy

    | Sep 03, 2021
    David's struggle with despondency grew very intense, perhaps prompting him to write the song we know today as Psalm 13. We can't be certain of the issue plaguing the poet-king.
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  • The Physics of Tranquility

    | Sep 02, 2021
    Worry is one of our more acceptable character faults, right alongside gluttony and perfectionism. After all, everybody worries, and no one quite knows how to stop.
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  • The Heartbreak of Hopelessness

    | Sep 01, 2021
    Many years ago when I was living in Dallas attending seminary, I received a phone call that led me to a tiny, dirty garage apartment. I was met at the screen door by a man with a 12-gauge shotgun.
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  • The Supernatural Benefits of Wisdom

    | Aug 31, 2021
    Obviously, behaving wisely or sensibly prepares us to respond constructively to difficulties and conflicts.
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  • Front and Center in the Mind of God

    | Aug 30, 2021
    It's humbling to think that the Creator of the universe, whose power, knowledge, and goodness know no limits, actually cares about us and loves us individually and personally.
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  • The Benefits of Wisdom

    | Aug 29, 2021
    Wisdom is its own reward. Even so, Solomon predicted that the person seeking divine wisdom will enjoy significant advantages.
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  • A Message from God

    | Aug 28, 2021
    As though David continues his worship service, he opens his mouth and shares a message from God, which is the major theme of this composition. We can imagine his standing before the people . . .
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  • How to Seek Wisdom

    | Aug 27, 2021
    If you genuinely desire God’s wisdom, rest assured He has promised not to withhold it. He declares, “I love those who love me; and those who diligently seek me will find me” (Proverbs 8:17).
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  • A Song of Praise

    | Aug 26, 2021
    Having worshiped God in a short doxology, David reflects on the greatness of his God and, in doing so, offers praise. Observe as King David takes his place before a congregation of believers to lead them in worship.
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  • Let’s Dig Deeper

    | Aug 25, 2021
    This week, let’s level our gun barrels at shallowness. Let’s allow the sayings we just read to speak out against our times with forceful relevance.
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  • The Majesty of God

    | Aug 24, 2021
    As I observe Psalm 8, three introductory observations leap off the page. First, it is a psalm of David, written under the Holy Spirit's direction. These are not merely the idle reflections of a creative artist.
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  • Deep Impact

    | Aug 23, 2021
    Our image-conscious, hurry-up culture celebrates people with broad appeal and shallow character. Just look at the proliferation of reality shows featuring people who are famous for being famous.
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  • The Value of God’s Creatures

    | Aug 22, 2021
    All of us need to be needed. We want to be wanted. God created us with a desire to know we can contribute something valuable and to have a significant impact in the lives of others.
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  • Stinkin’ Thinkin’

    | Aug 21, 2021
    Some stubbornly resist wisdom because they are strong-willed and refuse to surrender. Others simply fail to hear wise counsel due to insensitivity.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.