• Mental Barriers to God's Voice, Part 1

    | Jan 23, 2023
    When the world tries to squeeze us into its mold, God's message gets muffled. Our minds pick up on the strong secular signals so easily that we subconsciously tune Him out. It comes naturally.
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  • Natural Thinking in Today's World

    | Jan 22, 2023
    Today, let's focus in on a single passage of Scripture and digest it carefully. One of the most helpful passages to help us train our minds is 2 Corinthians 10:1–7. Take a few moments to read and meditate on these seven verses.
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  • A ''Renewed Mind'' Is Essential

    | Jan 21, 2023
    Let's talk about some positive input on the correct mentality of a servant. Is it possible to think so much like Christ that our minds operate on a different plane than others around us? Not only is it possible—it's essential!
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  • Blind Loyalty Is Not Servanthood

    | Jan 20, 2023
    In the last few decades, we have witnessed the emergence of groups like the Moonies, the Hare Krishnas, various New Agers, Scientologists, and numerous other cults.
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  • What Serving Others Doesn't Mean

    | Jan 19, 2023
    Christians talk a lot about serving and giving and releasing rights and putting down self—and we should. It's part of the whole Christian package. It's expected, to an extent. But isn't it possible to go overboard on stuff like this?
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  • Two Questions

    | Jan 18, 2023
    Comparing the acts of forgiving and forgetting, I think forgetting is the tougher assignment. Why? Because forgetting is something shared with no other person. It's a solo flight.
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  • Determination

    | Jan 17, 2023
    I love the apostle Paul's attitude revealed in his words: "I press on toward the goal" (Philippians 3:14). Those men and women who refuse to get bogged down in and anchored to the past are those who pursue the objectives of the future.
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  • Humility

    | Jan 16, 2023
    "I forget what is behind" is a statement that assures us Paul was not the type to live in the past. He says, in effect, "I disregard my own accomplishments as well as others' offenses against me.
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  • Vulnerability

    | Jan 15, 2023
    Remember these words from yesterday? "I have not arrived . . . I forget what is behind . . . I move on to what is ahead." Over the next few days, I want to examine each part of this statement from the pen of the apostle Paul.
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  • Forgetting Your Own Good Deeds

    | Jan 14, 2023
    Yesterday, we talked about what it means to "forget" when other people do bad deeds to us. Today, I want to address forgetting when we do good deeds to others. In other words, once our own good deeds are done, they're done.
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  • Can We Really Ever Forget?

    | Jan 13, 2023
    A question flashes through my head as I write these words: can our minds actually allow us to forget? The way God has made us with that internal filing system we call "memory"—it is doubtful we can fully forget.
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  • Forgiving and Forgetting

    | Jan 12, 2023
    "I'll forgive . . . but I'll never forget." We say and hear that so much that it's easy to shrug it off as "only natural." That's the problem! It is the most natural response we can expect. Not supernatural.
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  • How to Make Forgiveness Happen

    | Jan 11, 2023
    There is enough in the past few days' worth of devotionals to keep us thinking (and forgiving) for weeks. But there are a couple of specific applications that need to be considered.
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  • When You Are the Offended, Part 2

    | Jan 10, 2023
    Yesterday we read Jesus's parable of the king who forgave his servant—who then refused to forgive a fellow-servant. From this parable, we learned that to refuse to forgive is hypocritical. But there's a second lesson.
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  • When You Are the Offended, Part 1

    | Jan 09, 2023
    Over the past few days, we have examined Jesus's words to us when we have offended someone. Tough steps . . . yet essential. But what about when someone offends us? The apostle Peter asked Jesus a similar question.
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  • When You Are the Offender, Part 2

    | Jan 08, 2023
    Let's say you've mustered the courage to approach someone you've offended. You've confessed what you did with sincerity. You've asked for forgiveness. But he or she refuses to forgive you. Now what?
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  • When You Are the Offender, Part 1

    | Jan 07, 2023
    Matthew 5:23–24 describes in a nutshell the correct response and procedure to follow when we have been in the wrong and have offended someone.
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  • A Reason to Forgive

    | Jan 06, 2023
    When wrong has been done against another person, there are only two possibilities of blame. But whether we are responsible for the offense or we are the recipients of it, the first move is always ours.
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  • God's Forgiveness of Us

    | Jan 05, 2023
    Truth be told, it's God's forgiveness of us that makes possible our forgiving others. When on the cross Jesus Christ paid in full the penalty of our sin, God's wrath was expressed against Him—the One who took our place.
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  • God's Required Course: Forgiveness

    | Jan 04, 2023
    This is a true story, told to me by a young seminary student I met years ago. I'll call him Aaron (not his real name). Late one spring Aaron was praying about having a significant ministry the following summer.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.