• Persecution and Blessing?

    | Feb 12, 2023
    Do you usually associate persecution with blessing? Jesus did. "Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness." I don't know how this strikes you, but it seems misplaced at first glance.
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  • I Know a Peacemaker

    | Feb 11, 2023
    A man I have admired for decades, the man who taught me Hebrew in seminary many years ago, is Dr. Bruce Waltke. He is not only a Semitic scholar par-excellence, he is a gracious servant of our Lord.
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  • The Peacemakers

    | Feb 10, 2023
    "Blessed are the peacemakers," . . . Interestingly, this is the only time in all the New Testament that the Greek term translated "peacemakers" appears. Maybe it will help us understand the meaning by pointing out first what it does not mean.
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  • Masks

    | Feb 09, 2023
    Let me urge you today to become, as Jesus said, "pure in heart" (Matthew 5:8). Think about what it would mean, what changes you would have to make, what habits you'd have to break.
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  • The Pure in Heart

    | Feb 08, 2023
    When Jesus spoke of being "pure in heart" (Matthew 5:8), He emphasized the inner person . . . the motive . . . the "heart." The phrase does not refer simply to doing the right things but doing the right things for the right reason.
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  • Mercy Is More Than Words

    | Feb 07, 2023
    Shocking stories make headlines today with remarkable regularity. A young woman was brutally attacked as she returned to her apartment late one night. She screamed and shrieked as she fought for her life.
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  • Ministry to the Miserable

    | Feb 06, 2023
    You don't run through an art gallery; you walk very slowly. You often stop, study the treasured works of art, and take time to appreciate what has been painted. You examine the texture, the technique, . . .
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  • Rewards for Being Different

    | Feb 05, 2023
    For the past few days, we have observed the promises Jesus made in "The Beatitudes." We are only halfway through the list, but it's a good place to stop and summarize what we have seen in this inspired portrait thus far.
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  • A Promise for ''Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness''

    | Feb 04, 2023
    The true servant of God possesses an insatiable appetite for what is right, a passionate drive for justice. Spiritually speaking, the servant is engaged in a pursuit of God . . . a hot, restless, eager longing to walk with Him.
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  • A Promise for ''The Gentle''

    | Feb 03, 2023
    What comes to mind as you read Jesus's words, "Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5)? Truth be told, we may get a false first impression. We may think, Blessed are the weak for they shall become doormats.
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  • A Promise for ''Those Who Mourn''

    | Feb 02, 2023
    I remember an incident many years ago when a man in our church fell while taking a shower. As he slipped on the slick floor, he fell against a sheet of glass with all his weight.
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  • A Promise for ''The Poor in Spirit''

    | Feb 01, 2023
    At first glance, Jesus's reference to "the poor in spirit" seems to refer to those who have little or no money—people of poverty with zero financial security. Wrong. You'll note He speaks of being "poor in spirit."
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  • The Beatitudes: Three Observations

    | Jan 31, 2023
    The introduction to Jesus's Sermon on the Mount is no doubt the most familiar section of His message (Matthew 5:1–12). Commonly called "The Beatitudes," this section is the most descriptive word-portrait of a servant ever recorded.
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  • Jesus' Command: ''Be Different!''

    | Jan 30, 2023
    When Jesus walked the earth, He attracted a number of people to Himself. On one occasion, He sat down among them and taught them some bottom-line truths about how He wanted them to grow up.
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  • When You Grow Up

    | Jan 29, 2023
    "What do you want to be when you grow up?" That's a favorite question we enjoy asking children. And the answers we get usually are "a police officer" or "a nurse" or maybe "a fire fighter." Some kids are visionary.
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  • Servanthood Starts in the Mind

    | Jan 28, 2023
    Wouldn't you love to live courageously in spite of the odds? Doesn't it sound exciting to be divinely powerful in day-to-day living? Aren't you eager to become independently authentic in a day of copycat styles?
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  • Supernatural Ability of the ''Renewed Mind,'' Part 2

    | Jan 27, 2023
    As we allow God's truth to pierce the tough, hardened barriers we have erected in our minds, we receive surprising benefits. We saw yesterday that God gives us His divine power (2 Corinthians 10:4).
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  • Supernatural Ability of the ''Renewed Mind,'' Part 1

    | Jan 26, 2023
    As the truth of God's Word penetrates our hearts, it displaces those secular mental barriers we have erected over the years. In fact, we receive several very exciting benefits. Paul names two of them.
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  • Mental Barriers to God's Voice, Part 3

    | Jan 25, 2023
    Some of us have formed the habit of getting even rather than overlooking wrongs done against us. So when we come across scriptural instruction that requires an alternate plan, our inner reaction is "No way!"
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  • Mental Barriers to God's Voice, Part 2

    | Jan 24, 2023
    As the Spirit of God attempts to communicate His truth to us, He runs up against the "wall" of our overall mental attitude, our natural mind-set. Along with the wall-like fortresses, we have natural, humanistic reasonings.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.