• Encounter on the Damascus Highway, Part Two

    | Sep 01, 2017
    Yesterday, I told you about a few methods of evangelism that are ineffective, or at least are not the full picture of how God desires His children to share the good news with others. Today, I want to tell you about an alternative.
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  • Encounter on the Damascus Highway, Part One

    | Aug 31, 2017
    Various methods are employed to communicate the good news of Christ to the lost. Some of the approaches appear to be successful and effective on the surface, but underneath they leave much to be desired.
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  • Of Parrots and Eagles, Part Two

    | Aug 30, 2017
    Eagle thinkers ask the hard questions, take strategic risks, search hard for the whole truth, and soar high above mediocrity. Parrot people enjoy the predictable, routine, rehearsed words of others. As we discussed yesterday, the church is overrun with parrots.
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  • Of Parrots and Eagles, Part One

    | Aug 29, 2017
    We are running shy of eagles, and we're running over with parrots. Content to sit safely on our evangelical perches and repeat in rapid-fire falsetto our religious words, we are fast becoming overpopulated with bright-colored birds having soft bellies, big beaks, and little heads.
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  • A Better Foreman

    | Aug 28, 2017
    A person is a product of his or her own thoughts. Thoughts form the thermostat which regulates what we accomplish in life. My body responds and reacts to the input from my mind. If I feed it with doubt, worry, and discouragement, that is precisely the kind of day I will experience.
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  • Relevance

    | Aug 27, 2017
    He was a hated man. He was therefore maligned, threatened, publicly criticized, and privately rebuked. By his own admission he struggled vigorously with sins of the flesh. Especially outrageous anger.
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  • Reading, Part Two

    | Aug 26, 2017
    Due to the tragic problem of ignorance and passivity in our world today, I've been extolling the benefits of reading. Yesterday, we talked about number one: reading sweeps the cobwebs away; it expands us. Today, I'll note three additional benefits.
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  • Reading, Part One

    | Aug 25, 2017
    The three Rs have stood the test of time as reliable criteria for a dependable education. They are poised like disciplined sentinels against one of man's greatest enemies: ignorance. The original blocks of granite, unimpressed by educational styles.
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  • Our Speech

    | Aug 24, 2017
    A couple of Sundays ago, I was talking with a group of visitors following a morning service. Several were from different sections of our nation. All, of course, spoke English, but a few possessed a distinct dialect that revealed their roots.
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  • Determination

    | Aug 23, 2017
    Years ago a certain issue of Sports Illustrated featured a lengthy article on Tom Landry, former coach of the Dallas Cowboys. Those who know me won't be surprised to hear that I read every word of it. I was living in Dallas when the Cowboys were formed into a team.
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  • Persistence, Part Two

    | Aug 22, 2017
    Yesterday, we focused on Philippians 1:6, noting that God "who began a good work . . . will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." And, since we are to be "imitators of God" (Ephesians 5:1), it seems to me we oughta be about the business of persistence.
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  • Persistence, Part One

    | Aug 21, 2017
    Persistence pays. It's a costly investment, no question about it. But the dividends are so much greater than the original outlay that you'll almost forget the price. And if the final benefits are really significant, you'll wonder why you ever hesitated to begin with.
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  • The Big Picture

    | Aug 20, 2017
    If you were to do a little fun research to discover the sheer quantity of activities that happen each day in America, you'd be amazed. Consider, for example, the number of cups of coffee consumed, the number of babies born, . . .
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  • Letters of Reference

    | Aug 19, 2017
    September 12, AD 61—Dear Paul: We are considering a man to serve as a manager in the copper plant of our growing company, Corinthian Chariots, Inc. We are an aggressive, innovative firm with plans for expansion into major metropolitan regions.
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  • My Dad

    | Aug 18, 2017
    I'll never forget the night my dad died. He left like he had lived. Quietly. Graciously. With dignity. Without demands or harsh words or even a frown, he surrendered himself—a tired, frail, humble gentleman—into the waiting arms of his Savior.
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  • Radical Adjustments, Part Two

    | Aug 17, 2017
    On October 12, 1972, a Fairchild F-227 of the Uruguayan Air Force was chartered by an amateur rugby team. The plan? To fly from Montevideo to Santiago, Chile . . . a flight pattern which required flying over the rugged Andes.
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  • Radical Adjustments, Part One

    | Aug 16, 2017
    Extreme dilemmas are usually solved by radical adjustments. It used to be called "fighting fire with fire." Minor alterations won't do. If the situation is getting completely out of hand, a slight modification won't cut it. It's get-with-it time.
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  • The Shadow of the Giant, Part Two

    | Aug 15, 2017
    Yesterday, we visited David as he faced off against Goliath. Refusing to accept his brothers' rationalizations or listen to the giant's threats, David saw through the Philistine strategy and withstood it through sheer, solid faith. You know the outcome.
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  • The Shadow of the Giant, Part One

    | Aug 14, 2017
    Goliath reminds me of the cross-eyed discus thrower. He didn't set any records . . . but he sure kept the crowd awake! Day after day, he paraded along the slopes of the Valley of Elah throwing out threats and belching blasphemies across the creek.
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  • Criticism

    | Aug 13, 2017
    Looking for a role model on how to handle criticism? It would be worth your while to check out the book of Nehemiah. On several occasions this great-hearted statesman was openly criticized, falsely accused, and grossly misunderstood.
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What They Won’t Forget

If you were the curator of your museum of family memories, what would it contain? Pastor Chuck gives specific ways to ensure the generations that follow you will treasure these important memories.