• Offerings, Part One

    | Oct 13, 2017
    Your response to the heading of today's reading is probably: "Uh, oh—another money plea!" or "Here we go again . . . some Christian ministry trying to get into my wallet." If that's your response, I hate to disappoint you, but you're wrong.
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  • Your Testimony, Part Two

    | Oct 12, 2017
    Believe it or not, your personal testimony is one of the most powerful and compelling tools God has given you in reaching nonbelievers with the gospel. Now, I'm not talking about the common, garden-variety, churchy "braggamony."
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  • Your Testimony, Part One

    | Oct 11, 2017
    One time-honored and effective method of evangelism is the giving of your personal testimony. The skeptic may deny your doctrine or attack your church, but he or she cannot honestly ignore the fact that your life has been changed.
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  • A Bridge Called Credibility, Part Two

    | Oct 10, 2017
    Question: Judging yourself on this matter of keeping your word, are you bridging or widening the credibility gap? Are you encouraging or discouraging others? Let me help you answer that by using four familiar situations.
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  • A Bridge Called Credibility, Part One

    | Oct 09, 2017
    March 11, 1942, was a dark, desperate day at Corregidor. The Pacific theater of war was threatening and bleak. One island after another had been buffeted into submission. The enemy was now marching into the Philippines.
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  • Stop the Revolving Door

    | Oct 08, 2017
    The history of great civilizations reminds me of a giant revolving door. It turns on the axis of human depravity as its movement is marked by the perimeter of time. With monotonous repetition each civilization has completed the same cycle.
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  • Vision

    | Oct 07, 2017
    It's a cartoon I've smiled at again and again. There are two Eskimos sitting on chairs, fishing through holes in the ice. The fella on the right has draped his line through your typical disk-like opening . . . about the size of a small manhole.
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  • A Round Tuit, Part Two

    | Oct 06, 2017
    In Part One, I presented you with your own (round) tuit—the solution to those procrastination problems you've been having. Yep, no longer will you need to say: "I should take care of that—and I will as soon as I get a (round) tuit."
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  • A Round Tuit, Part One

    | Oct 05, 2017
    Whatever you do, don't lose this. . . . I strongly suggest that you stop right now, print it, cut it out, and save it. It is your own special "tuit." Because they are rare, you should lock yours up in a safe place. "Tuits" are not easy to obtain—especially the round ones.
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  • Stay in Circulation

    | Oct 04, 2017
    During the reign of Oliver Cromwell, the British government began to run low on silver for coins. Lord Cromwell sent his men on an investigation of the local cathedral to see if they could find any precious metal there.
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  • The Turning Point, Part Two

    | Oct 03, 2017
    Yesterday I told you about my days in a Marine Corps Quonset hut in Okinawa in 1958. It was an intense time living among those whose lifestyle I found nauseating and empty. I can trace the acceptance of my circumstance and the shift of my focus to a single verse of Scripture.
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  • The Turning Point, Part One

    | Oct 02, 2017
    I remember it well. Almost as clearly as if it happened last month. But it didn't. It happened deep in the summer of '58. I was a Marine. Almost eight thousand miles of ocean between me and my wife. One-word descriptions of my condition? Disillusioned.
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  • Lie Back and Look Up

    | Oct 01, 2017
    Okay, are you ready to have your mind boggled? If not, better shove this aside until you can handle it. It's too stretching to pass over with a yawn. The germ thought struck me when I was deep in the redwoods some time ago. I lay back and looked up.
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  • Innovation, Part Two

    | Sep 30, 2017
    Yesterday, we talked about innovative people, and I mentioned that there are a whole lot more innovative people around than any of us can imagine. Could you be one of them? Let's take a little test and see.
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  • Innovation, Part One

    | Sep 29, 2017
    It takes guts to innovate, because it requires creative thinking. Thinking is hard enough, but creative thinking—ah, that's work! To get the juices squirting, you have to be dissatisfied with the status quo.
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  • Witch Hunting, Part Two

    | Sep 28, 2017
    We've been talking about what I'm calling "witch hunting," the phenomenon affecting our world in which people are eager to find the Devil in every nook and cranny and to blame him for just about everything.
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  • Witch Hunting, Part One

    | Sep 27, 2017
    Flip Wilson's line, "The Devil made me do it," was designed to be funny, not phony. Whether the comedian believed in an actual Satan is, for the moment, immaterial. All he was interested in was getting a laugh.
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  • Beyond Today

    | Sep 24, 2017
    Who hasn't felt himself standing on tiptoe, straining to see what lies ahead? Even the writers of a weekly news magazine tried to look beyond today. They didn't try many predictions but they did ask some tough, sweeping questions.
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  • Understatements

    | Sep 23, 2017
    You've heard of "too little and too late." How about "too many and too much"? That's the way I'd describe our times. In a society overrun with overstatements, I find an occasional "not quite enough" a sheer delight. Too much empty talk.
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  • Idols, Part Two

    | Sep 22, 2017
    Yesterday we talked about how the Israelites began to worship what started out as a good thing but became too much of a good thing: a bronze serpent they called "Nehushtan." We can make an idol out of anything or anyone in life.
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What They Won’t Forget

If you were the curator of your museum of family memories, what would it contain? Pastor Chuck gives specific ways to ensure the generations that follow you will treasure these important memories.