• Houdini's Secret, Part One

    | Nov 02, 2017
    Erich Weiss was a remarkable man. By the time of his death he was famous around the world. Never heard of him, huh? Maybe this will help. He was born of Hungarian-Jewish parentage at Appleton, Wisconsin, in 1874.
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  • Hidden Heroes, Part Two

    | Nov 01, 2017
    As we discussed in Part One, Martin Luther, hero of the Protestant Reformation, was a maverick, a classic shaker and mover. Alone . . . independent . . . invincible. He needed no one but God to lean on. Or did he?
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  • Hidden Heroes, Part One

    | Oct 31, 2017
    Up-front heroes are often seen as being larger than life. Overstated. That's unfortunate. Because they are public figures, folks think of them as broad-shouldered giants who can leap tall buildings in a single bound.
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  • Grandparenting, Part Two

    | Oct 30, 2017
    Grandparents. What amazing gifts from God. Generation after generation He provides a fresh set of them . . . an ever-present counterculture in our busy world. Lest everyone else get so involved they no longer stop to smell the flowers.
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  • Grandparenting, Part One

    | Oct 29, 2017
    It's bad enough that, until recently, Webster omitted "parenting" in his dictionary . . . but continuing to disregard "grandparenting" is somewhere between incompetent and inexcusable! Okay, okay, so it isn't an official word.
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  • The Problem with Progress, Part Two

    | Oct 28, 2017
    Though in time we may laud their boldness and radical qualities, in their day most progressive dreamers are seen as permissive, wild-eyed extremists. I came across a rather remarkable letter purportedly written over one hundred and fifty years ago.
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  • The Problem with Progress, Part One

    | Oct 27, 2017
    Progress seems like a two-headed giant, doesn't it? Looking back on it, it is admirable, almost heroic. We salute visionaries of yesteryear. They emerge from the pages of our history books as men and women of gallant faith.
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  • The Church, Part Two

    | Oct 26, 2017
    Yesterday, we discovered Dr. Jay Kesler's five reasons why the church really is a big deal. No, it isn't perfect (you're a part of it, aren't you?) and it hasn't always modeled its message. But whatever is next in order of importance is a distant second.
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  • The Church, Part One

    | Oct 25, 2017
    So, what's the big deal about the church? Good question. And it deserves a good answer. Something more than, "You gotta have one to get married in," or "It's the place kids oughta be on Sunday." Or how about, "There's not a better spot to make business contacts."
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  • Sunday Listening, Part Two

    | Oct 24, 2017
    We've been talking about the essential skill of listening, particularly as it relates to Sunday sermons. I asked you to come up with some ideas on what can be done by the listener (not the preacher) to keep the sermon interesting.
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  • Sunday Listening, Part One

    | Oct 23, 2017
    Most of us were born hearing well, but all of us must learn to listen well. Listening is a skill, an art that is in need of being cultivated. Dr. Ralph Nichols . . . believes that we think four, perhaps five, times faster than we talk.
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  • My Lord and His Return

    | Oct 22, 2017
    One evening my wife and I were enjoying a quiet conversation together. We were sipping some fresh-perked coffee, the house was unusually still, and there were no plans to go anywhere that evening.
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  • A Touch of Class, Part Two

    | Oct 21, 2017
    Yesterday, I mentioned my disgust with the prevailing notion in many evangelical churches that elegance and class have no place in the landscape of spirituality. But even the ancient places of worship were stunningly beautiful.
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  • A Touch of Class, Part One

    | Oct 20, 2017
    It's gone on long enough. The pigsty in the landscape has to go. If we expect the tourist traffic to increase and the visitors to return to Lake Evangelicalism, we're gonna have to do something about the ugly ducklings. Some changes are long overdue.
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  • Being Real, Part Two

    | Oct 19, 2017
    Yesterday I told you about Dave Cowens, an NBA star who disappeared one day on a quest for solitude and meaning. I noted that to "find yourself" requires that you take time to look. And it's essential if you want to be a whole person. The word is real.
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  • Being Real, Part One

    | Oct 18, 2017
    Dave Cowens, one-time star basketball center for the Boston Celtics, disappeared. Without warning, he walked off the practice court, showered, dressed, and drove away. Alone. He kept driving to . . . somewhere.
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  • Balance, Part Two

    | Oct 17, 2017
    Both adversity and prosperity confront our equilibrium, but prosperity is perhaps the more challenging test. Today we look at another biblical person who rose to the top and kept his balance. The classic example is David.
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  • Balance, Part One

    | Oct 16, 2017
    Two extreme tests exist that disturb our balance in life. Each has its own set of problems. On one side is adversity. Solomon realized this when he wrote: "If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength!" (Proverbs 24:10 NIV).
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  • Perspective

    | Oct 15, 2017
    What is perspective? Well, it's obviously related to the way we view something. The term literally suggests "looking through . . . seeing clearly." One who views life through perspective lenses has the capacity to see things in their true relations or relative importance.
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  • Offerings, Part Two

    | Oct 14, 2017
    Let's talk about the offering, the time during the weekly worship service when the plate is passed and most people daydream or fidget around, feeling uncomfortable. If that describes you, you're missing a golden moment!
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What They Won’t Forget

If you were the curator of your museum of family memories, what would it contain? Pastor Chuck gives specific ways to ensure the generations that follow you will treasure these important memories.