• Identify the Enemy, Part Two

    | Jan 02, 2018
    Yesterday I pointed out that our true enemy, the devil, is relentlessly engaged in a strategy to bring Christians down. With deceptive stealth, he's "like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8).
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  • Identify the Enemy, Part One

    | Jan 01, 2018
    When you're in a battle, before you can march out against the enemy, you have to know who he is. It's called "gathering intelligence." You need to know how he operates, where his base of operations is, what his tactics are.
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  • No Fear! Part Two

    | Dec 31, 2017
    In Part One, we talked about God's sovereign control over physical catastrophes. But there is more, much more, in Psalm 46. What about warfare? All Hebrews looked upon Jerusalem, especially in those days, as "the city of God" (46:4).
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  • No Fear! Part One

    | Dec 30, 2017
    In times of physical catastrophe in our lives or in our world, what is our response? Usually, it's "Why, God? Why me? Why us?" In contrast, God's Word says in times of physical catastrophe, "we will not fear" (Psalm 46:2).
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  • How Firm a Foundation, Part Two

    | Dec 29, 2017
    We've been talking about David's significant question in Psalm 11: "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (v. 3). So, how can I say that David's foundations were solid and secure?
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  • How Firm a Foundation, Part One

    | Dec 28, 2017
    An important question is asked in Psalm 11. Go with me for just a glance. David wrote Psalm 11, probably while he was being hunted and haunted by King Saul. With borderline insane paranoia, Saul began seeking the life of David.
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  • Q & A about God’s Will

    | Dec 27, 2017
    As a pastor, I often get asked questions regarding God's will. Today I'll consider four of the more common ones. And remember, those who really want to do His will, will know it (John 7:17).
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  • How Do I Know God’s Will?

    | Dec 26, 2017
    Want to know God's will for your life? Let me ask you to stop, look, and listen. God makes His desires known to those who stop at His Word, look in with a sensitive spirit, and listen to others.
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  • I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day

    | Dec 25, 2017
    There once lived a farmer who became jaded about Christmas and all things "Christian." Late one raw winter night, he sat alone in the house, reading. In the quiet he heard an irregular thumping against the back porch door.
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  • Bring Him Incense, Gold, and Myrrh

    | Dec 24, 2017
    What do you give a young king? The magi, after traveling more than five hundred miles away to see the child Jesus, brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh with them. Why those gifts?
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  • Hail the Incarnate Deity

    | Dec 23, 2017
    On that still winter's night, something was up . . . something extraordinary . . . something supernatural. The shepherds raced to the City of David and found their Savior, just as the angel had said . . . swaddled and lying in a feeding trough.
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  • The Wonder of It All

    | Dec 22, 2017
    When Mary and Joseph began their journey southward to Bethlehem, they probably thought they had time to make the trip, register for the census, and then return home to Nazareth before the baby would be born.
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  • Sovereign Father, Heavenly King

    | Dec 21, 2017
    That first Christmas, all eyes were on Augustus—the cynical Caesar who demanded a census so as to determine a measurement to enlarge taxes even further. At such a time, who was interested in a young couple making an 80-mile trip south from Nazareth?
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  • The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came

    | Dec 20, 2017
    Take a trip out of time and space. With the help of your imagination, let yourself be pulled from the gravity of this planet and move into the space beyond the earth's dimension—that mysterious realm where angels dwell.
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  • Thinking Theologically

    | Dec 19, 2017
    I confess to you, at times I've doubted God's purpose and promise. I say that to my own embarrassment. When things hadn't worked as I thought they would, when I received a no instead of a yes . . .
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  • When Logic Fails

    | Dec 17, 2017
    Human logic breaks down in crisis. The mystery is enormous, and it is the enormity of it all that calls for faith. I'm sorry if that sounds like an overused bromide. But if we could unravel it, why would we need faith?
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  • We Have an Anchor

    | Dec 16, 2017
    The word picture of an anchor is used often in ancient literature, but it's used only once in the New Testament in picturing hope as an anchor for our soul. Lots of hymns and gospel songs make use of this anchor metaphor.
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  • The Hope You Need

    | Dec 15, 2017
    Somewhere along the many miles of southern California shoreline walked a young, 20-year-old woman with a terminal disease in her body and a revolver in her hand. She had called me late one evening. We talked for a long time.
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  • The Reality of Heaven

    | Dec 14, 2017
    The same Bible that develops the subject of hell also reveals the truth about heaven. What is heaven like? Playing harps all day? Lounging around on Cloud Nine? Living in enormous mansions along solid gold streets?
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  • The Reality of Hell

    | Dec 13, 2017
    A particular story Jesus once told comes to my mind every time I think of life after death. Because it is descriptive and brief, we are able to get a fairly uncomplicated picture in our minds of this subject of hell.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.