• The Attributes of God

    | Jan 22, 2018
    After the plea in Psalm 5:1–3, David begins to think through the day that spreads out before him, giving extra consideration to those he would encounter. His song addresses four specific realms of interest.
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  • The Psalmist’s Plea

    | Jan 21, 2018
    Some psalms are difficult to outline; others easily lend themselves to an organized layout. Psalm 5 falls in the latter category. It begins with a plea (Psalm 5:1–3) directed to the Lord, whom David addresses, "O LORD . . . my King . . . "
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  • A Song of Circumstance

    | Jan 20, 2018
    Songs are usually born out of surrounding circumstances that so affect the thinking of the composer, he cannot help but burst forth with a melody and an accompanying set of lyrics describing his plight.
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  • A Life beyond Compare

    | Jan 19, 2018
    The central lesson in Psalm 1 is this: there is not the slightest similarity between the spiritually accelerating life of the righteous and the slowly eroding life of the wicked. Take time to ponder the bold contrasts.
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  • The Ungodly Life

    | Jan 18, 2018
    A key observation in Psalm1:4–6 is contrast. Don't miss the many things that are quite the opposite from the preceding verses. "The wicked are not so, but they are like chaff which the wind drives away."
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  • An Uncompromising Walk

    | Jan 17, 2018
    As I read Psalm 1, three illustrations from the Bible flash into my mind. Two men flirted with evil, then fell; but there was one other who refused to begin a "walk in the counsel of the wicked."
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  • The Godly Life

    | Jan 16, 2018
    In the first three verses of Psalm 1, the psalmist describes the one who chooses to live a righteous life, the one who consciously resists the subtle inroads of compromise.
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  • Compromise and Erosion

    | Jan 15, 2018
    The Hebrews' ancient hymnal begins with a song that addresses one of life's most common grinds: compromise. Please understand, I'm not referring to those give-and-take times so necessary for living in harmony with one another.
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  • Brought to Our Knees

    | Jan 14, 2018
    Time, like an ever-rolling stream, takes all its sons away. As never before in this generation, we realize that we are dependent upon God for protection and strength.
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  • Why, God? Part Two

    | Jan 13, 2018
    In my 67 years on this earth I thought I had just about seen it all . . . until September 11, 2001. On that day I got a new understanding of the total depravity of humanity. And, as a byproduct, I have a new appreciation for the gifts of liberty and life itself.
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  • Why, God? Part One

    | Jan 12, 2018
    The date, September 11, 2001, is forever etched in our national memory. That morning stands as the never-to-be-forgotten hour when time stood still as we stared in horror and disbelief.
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  • Courage Transfusion, Part Five

    | Jan 11, 2018
    We've been talking about the need in our day for a courage transfusion. Drawing from 1 Corinthians 16:13, we've looked at three important commands: Stay alert! Stand alone! Grow up!
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  • Courage Transfusion, Part Four

    | Jan 10, 2018
    It's childish not to want to change. My mind drifts to the two little grandchildren who were living in our home for a few months before our son Chuck and his wife Jeni moved them to their new home.
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  • Courage Transfusion, Part Three

    | Jan 09, 2018
    Once we've been assured of the foundational principles we've covered thus far in this devotional series, the challenge we face in our chaotic times is painfully obvious. What we need is a courage transfusion.
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  • Courage Transfusion, Part Two

    | Jan 08, 2018
    In spite of our adversary's subtle and deceitful strategy against Christians, we are certain of this: In the end, God wins. What we need until then is a courage transfusion.
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  • Courage Transfusion, Part One

    | Jan 07, 2018
    The challenge we face is painfully obvious. We've seen from the previous devotionals that our foundations are in place and trustworthy. The Lord our God, being our refuge and very present help, relieves us of fear and worry.
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  • Marching Orders, Part Two

    | Jan 06, 2018
    We face a very real, insidious enemy. And, as I mentioned yesterday, in order to step intelligently and wisely into the battle with Satan and his demons, we need clear marching orders. God has given them to us in Scripture.
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  • Marching Orders, Part One

    | Jan 05, 2018
    I wasn't there when a few men gathered around him. General Dwight Eisenhower had the awful job on that day in early June 1944 of determining if that was the right day to make the most significant invasion in the history of military strategy.
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  • Facing an Uncertain Future

    | Jan 04, 2018
    How can we face the fog of our uneasy, uncertain future? All these terrifying events are happening—political unrest, terrorist threats and attacks, a struggling economy. What more can the future hold?
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  • A Very Present Help

    | Jan 03, 2018
    God is our refuge and strength. As Eugene Peterson paraphrases it in The Message, "God is a safe place to hide." Chasah, or refuge, is a word that's needed when a nation finds itself shaking on the rock.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.