April 30, 2018
by Pastor Chuck SwindollScriptures: Psalm 131:3
As is true of all of us on special occasions, David had learned a truth that was so exciting he had to share it. He wanted his entire nation to enter into this joyous experience with him.
As is true of all of us on special occasions, David had learned a truth that was so exciting he had to share it. He wanted his entire nation to enter into
this joyous experience with him. As Psalm 131 concludes, David expresses his desire for the nation he leads.
Verse 3
O Israel, hope in the LORD
From this time forth and forever.
Please allow me a personal comment here. David's little song has been so comforting to me. I have loved its quiet peacefulness. I have needed its message.
Perhaps you have too. It is quite possible that God is "weaning" you away from every source of pride. You may have trusted in the fleeting silver and
tinsel of this world, only to have it tarnish and melt in your hands. You may have believed in someone only to have him or her fail you and even turn
against you. Quite possibly, you have fallen into the trap of self-exaltation and recently failed miserably. Maybe you've been accustomed to honor and
public notice, but (like Moses) all that has passed, at least for a while. Perhaps your talent is no longer in demand, or your job is not now needed, or
your counsel is no longer sought.
"What's happening?" you may be asking. Arrogance refuses to accept such humbling experiences; patience must take over and consciously command our souls to
be still at such times. But "Why?" you may wonder. God is answering your question in Psalm 131.
Perhaps you are being "weaned" from the mother of importance, prestige, public applause, honor, and (dare I say it?) pride. Who does the weaning? The
child? No, never. The act of weaning is done to the child. All we can do is submit. God is responsible. He is removing every crutch upon which you
would lean so you will lean hard upon Him only. (See Proverbs 3:5–6.) He is changing your diet to a new kind of food—from the milk of immaturity to the
meat of genuine humility. And He wants you to learn this "from this time forth and forever."