• Remember God’s Promises

    | May 03, 2018
    After relating the anguish of lingering consequences in Psalm 137:1–3, the writer does a little self-analysis. His perspective shifts from looking outward to searching within. He asks a reasonable question in verse 4.
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  • Losing God’s Blessings

    | May 02, 2018
    The historical background of Psalm 137 is very sad. The people of God failed to heed centuries of warnings and found themselves living with the consequences of disobedience.
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  • Consequences of Bad Decisions

    | May 01, 2018
    No one can deny the relentless pain brought on by enduring the consequences of wrong actions. It may be as quick and simple as the sting following a swat from a parent's paddle or as lingering and severe as a prison sentence.
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  • Weaned from Pride

    | Apr 30, 2018
    As is true of all of us on special occasions, David had learned a truth that was so exciting he had to share it. He wanted his entire nation to enter into this joyous experience with him.
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  • Composed and Quiet

    | Apr 29, 2018
    Having chosen to enter a season of quietness, stepping back from public view, David examines the effect of humility on his soul. Psalm 131 contains several curious word pictures.
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  • Teachability

    | Apr 28, 2018
    David's song, preserved for us as Psalm 131, says that he does not involve himself in great matters or "things too difficult for him." The idea here is that he doesn't pursue places of prominence or greatness.
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  • A Proud or Humble Heart

    | Apr 27, 2018
    In a matter-of-fact fashion, David addresses the Lord in Psalm 131. Throughout the song, he carries on a conversation with his God. While humility is the subject, the focus is himself.
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  • Genuine Humility

    | Apr 26, 2018
    With a mere three verses, Psalm 131 is one of the shortest chapters in the Bible. If it is ever true, however, that good things come in small packages, this psalm is proof of that.
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  • An Investment in the Future

    | Apr 25, 2018
    The domestic scene now reaches completion. The children are trained, reared, and launched from the nest. The psalmist paints a pleasant picture of serenity, which includes three realms of blessing.
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  • The Importance of Leadership

    | Apr 24, 2018
    Solomon's songs of the strong family, Psalms 127 and 128, contain an emphasis on leadership. Having considered the value of children (127:3–5), he examines the role of leadership in the home.
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  • The Bricks and Mortar

    | Apr 23, 2018
    If a relationship with God is the foundation of a home (Psalm 127:1–2), the children are the bricks and mortar. Wise King Solomon continues his celebration of the strong home with a focus on the value of children.
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  • Building a Strong Foundation

    | Apr 22, 2018
    The pair of songs on the home, Psalms 127 and 128, begins with a look at the foundation. How does one establish a family legacy that will survive the inevitable crises, and then thrive for generations?
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  • Songs of Family Strength

    | Apr 21, 2018
    Maybe it doesn't sound very spiritual, but some aspects of family living can be a grind! Rearing a household of busy children, maintaining good communication, . . . can be a first-class chore!
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  • The Truth Perspective

    | Apr 20, 2018
    A brief examination of Psalm 119 reveals benefits gained by those who absorb the Word. Let's put three of them, wisdom, insight, and understanding,to the test by looking at a case study.
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  • God’s Word the Cure

    | Apr 19, 2018
    As I glance over Psalm 119:98–100, I see three benefits gained by those who absorb the Word: wisdom, insight, and understanding. Wisdom is the ability to look at life and its difficulties from God's point of view.
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  • A Lack of Knowledge

    | Apr 18, 2018
    Sometimes the grind of low enthusiasm results from not having sufficient knowledge to address life's difficulties. While additional training . . . can certainly help, all knowledge must be built upon a foundation of spiritual wisdom.
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  • A Spiritual Problem

    | Apr 17, 2018
    The psalmist's lengthy poem about the Word of God holds the keys to regaining enthusiasm. Psalm 119 helps to identify issues that drag us down so we can address them with wisdom from above.
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  • Needing More

    | Apr 16, 2018
    Psalm 119—the longest song in the ancient hymnal—is a song that is full of "God in" kind of statements. Over and over it affirms the value of having God's Word in our lives. It keeps pounding away on that theme.
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  • From the Depths to the Heights

    | Apr 15, 2018
    In just a few verses, the songwriter of Psalm 116 has climbed from the utter depths of grief and sorrow to the heights of praising God. His journey undoubtedly took many months, however.
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  • A Public Response

    | Apr 14, 2018
    Psalm 116, a lament of grief and sorrow, takes a positive turn with the composer deciding how he will respond to the Lord's deliverance (116:12). He promised to tell the story of God's rescue.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.