• Modeling Grace Through Disagreeable Times

    | Aug 28, 2019
    Let me offer several comments that may help you handle future disagreeable times in a gracious manner. First, always leave room for an opposing viewpoint. If you don't have room for an opposing viewpoint, you're not going to do well when you get teenagers.
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  • Agreeing about Disagreements, Part Two

    | Aug 27, 2019
    As much as we may pursue peace, and as positive and tactful as we may be, there will still be occasions when disagreements arise. As one wag put it, ''Life ain't no exact science,'' which brings me to the last two of four facts.
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  • Agreeing about Disagreements, Part One

    | Aug 26, 2019
    As much as we may pursue peace, and as positive and tactful as we may be, there will still be occasions when disagreements arise. As one wag put it, ''Life ain't no exact science,'' which brings me to the first two of four facts.
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  • A Few Actions That Signify Grace

    | Aug 25, 2019
    I want to focus our attention today on the concluding verses in Romans 14. Read verse 19 slowly and thoughtfully. ''So then let us pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.''
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  • Guiding Grace

    | Aug 24, 2019
    In his letter to the Romans, Paul goes into great detail regarding the issue of personal freedom—greater detail than almost anywhere else in his writings. In the fourteenth chapter, for example, he sets forth four very practical guidelines.
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  • Two-Dimensional Grace

    | Aug 23, 2019
    Grace comes to us in two dimensions, vertical and horizontal. Vertical grace centers on our relationship with God. It is amazing. It frees us from the demands and condemnation of the Mosaic Law. It announces hope to the sinner.
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  • Careful Warning to All Who Are Free

    | Aug 22, 2019
    Even those who live in a free country need warnings. So we shouldn't be surprised that God gives His own a few warnings lest we abuse our privileges as people under grace. These warnings are set forth in verses 16 through 23 of Romans 6.
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  • Free to Choose Freedom

    | Aug 21, 2019
    I wish I could guarantee all of us full freedom from sin 365 days a year, but that is not possible—not so long as we are earthbound. Perpetual sinlessness . . . will not be ours to enjoy until we are given glorified bodies and we are at home in heaven.
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  • When God Says Do or Don't

    | Aug 20, 2019
    Now you say, ''Well, what if we find a list of dos and don'ts in Scripture?'' That is a very different issue! Any specified list in Scripture is to be obeyed without hesitation or question. That's an inspired list for all of us to follow.
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  • Free to Eat, or Not

    | Aug 19, 2019
    A funny thing happened to me recently. One of the sound-and-light people at the church where I pastor (a real character!) heard me teach on the subject of freedom. A couple of weeks later he pulled a gag on me.
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  • Grace and Freedom

    | Aug 18, 2019
    With all this talk about grace and liberty, perhaps it's time for me to clarify something. Some may be asking: Doesn't liberty have its limits? Shouldn't folks restrain their freedom and occasionally hold themselves in check? Yes, without question.
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  • Claiming Our Freedom from Sin's Control

    | Aug 17, 2019
    In the wonderful sixth chapter of Romans, Paul presents three techniques for living by grace, above sin's domination. I find each one linked to a particular term he uses.
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  • Four Antilegalistic Strategies

    | Aug 16, 2019
    Grace killers cannot be mildly ignored . . . You can no more allow legalism to continue than you could permit a rattlesnake to slip into your house and hide.
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  • Defining Legalism

    | Aug 15, 2019
    In contrast to yesterday’s thoughts on liberty, what does it mean to say that legalism puts people under bondage? Legalism is an attitude, a mentality based on pride. It is an obsessive conformity to an artificial standard.
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  • Defining Liberty, Part Two

    | Aug 14, 2019
    Without becoming needlessly academic, I want to define a term that I've been tossing around. What do I mean when I declare that the Christian has liberty? Essentially, liberty is freedom . . . freedom from something and freedom to do something.
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  • Defining Liberty, Part One

    | Aug 13, 2019
    Without becoming needlessly academic, I want to define a term that I've been tossing around. What do I mean when I declare that the Christian has liberty? Essentially, liberty is freedom . . . freedom from something and freedom to do something.
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  • Undeserving, Yet Unconditionally Loved

    | Aug 12, 2019
    Whatever he became, according to his own statement, Paul owed it all to ''the grace of God.'' When I ponder the words from that grand apostle, I come up with what we might call his credo.
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  • Practical Suggestions for Guarding Against Extremes

    | Aug 11, 2019
    Three suggestions come to mind as I think about living with the risks of grace and putting all this into balanced living. First, guard against extremes if you want to enjoy the freedom grace provides. Try your best to keep balanced.
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  • The Inescapable Tension

    | Aug 10, 2019
    Because of grace we have been freed from sin, from its slavery, its bondage in our attitude, in our urges, and in our actions. But having been freed and now living by grace, we can actually go too far, set aside all self-control.
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  • Alternatives to Grace, Part Two

    | Aug 09, 2019
    If I choose not to risk, if I go the "safe" route and determine not to promote either salvation by grace or a lifestyle of grace, what are the alternatives? Four points come to my mind, all of which are popular these days.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.