• A Kindred Spirit

    | Dec 26, 2019
    God knew that David needed an intimate friend to walk with him through the valley that was ahead of him. Intimate friends are rare in life. Often we have only one, occasionally two, usually not more than three in our entire lives.
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  • Looking at the Big Picture . . . and Finding Hope, Part 2

    | Dec 25, 2019
    Without realizing it, mighty Augustus was only an errand boy for the commencement of "the fullness of time." He was a pawn in the hand of God . . . a mere piece of lint on the pages of prophecy.
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  • Looking at the Big Picture . . . and Finding Hope, Part 1

    | Dec 24, 2019
    Before you read again on the birth of Jesus, it might be best for you to lay it aside and start from scratch. The Christmas story has been so sanitized and romanticized over the centuries.
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  • "Trust Me"

    | Dec 23, 2019
    All David had was a sling and a stone as he took on a giant wearing two hundred pounds of armor. It may seem silly, but that's the way God operates. In the final analysis, there was a whoosh, whoosh, whoosh . . .
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  • "The Battle Is Mine"

    | Dec 22, 2019
    The beautiful thing about this story is that it's a perfect example of how God operates. He magnifies HIS name when we are weak. We don't have to be eloquent or strong or beautiful or physically fit or handsome.
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  • Unique Techniques

    | Dec 21, 2019
    Man is impressed with the externals; he doesn't see the heart. God is different. He doesn't judge by appearance or intelligence. King Saul hadn't learned that, however, so he looked at David and said, "You don't have the size for it."
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  • God vs. Our Giants

    | Dec 20, 2019
    "There's no reason for your entire army to be involved in this. Just send a fighter, and I'll take him on. I am the champion. I am the greatest." Goliath didn't issue this challenge one time and then leave. No.
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  • Music's Effective Ministry

    | Dec 19, 2019
    God had His hand on this young man whose music not only would fill the heart of a depressed king overwhelmed by blackness, but also would someday fill His written Word.
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  • David's Unique Ability

    | Dec 18, 2019
    Now that's not a bad resume, is it? He's a skilled musician; he's a man of valor; he's a warrior; he has control of his tongue; he's handsome; and the Lord is with him.
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  • God Speaks . . . We Respond

    | Dec 17, 2019
    Three timeless lessons ring through my head as I look at these significant scenes in David's life. First, God's solutions are often strange and simple, so be open. We try to make God complex and complicated. He isn't.
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  • Permanent Dwelling

    | Dec 16, 2019
    I think it's important that we notice that the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul before an evil spirit came. Christians read those words about "an evil spirit from God" and they fear that could happen today.
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  • Humble Appointment

    | Dec 15, 2019
    Here's our first good look at David. He walks into the house, still smelling like sheep, and all of a sudden an old man hobbles over and pours oil on his head. It drips down his hair and drops on to his neck.
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  • Inner Qualities

    | Dec 14, 2019
    Think ahead with me to 1 Samuel 17. Here is David, standing by Saul, as a giant lumbers across the distant landscape. Saul says, "Who are you?" "I'm David." Saul says, "Where have you been?" "With my father's sheep."
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  • A Man of Integrity

    | Dec 13, 2019
    God knew David had the quality of integrity. Today, we live in a world that says, in many ways, "If you make a good impression, that's really all that matters." But you will never be a man or woman of God if that's your philosophy.
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  • A Humble Servant

    | Dec 12, 2019
    God saw in David the quality of humility. The Lord had gone to the home of Jesse in spirit form. Jesse didn't know God was there. Nobody did. God was on a secret surveillance mission in that home.
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  • Nobodies into Somebodies

    | Dec 11, 2019
    Paul's whole thrust in his first letter to the believers at Corinth was, "I'm not coming to you with brilliance or human wisdom, and I'm certainly not coming to you with any kind of impressive physique or profound philosophy."
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  • Good Directions

    | Dec 10, 2019
    What was Samuel's problem? He was panic-stricken. He was just plain scared. Where were Samuel's eyes? Well, they certainly weren't on the Lord. They were riveted on Saul. From a human viewpoint, of course, Samuel was right.
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  • People Panic . . . God Provides

    | Dec 09, 2019
    The tragic story of King Saul is that he never, ever fully repented of his sin. Saul's greatest concern was his image, how he looked before the people. Even after Samuel gave him a break, Saul took advantage of it . . .
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  • How's Your Heart?

    | Dec 08, 2019
    When God scans the earth for potential leaders, He is not on a search for angels in the flesh. He is certainly not looking for perfect people, since there are none. He is searching for men and women like you and me.
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  • Three Secrets Revealed

    | Dec 07, 2019
    When we read this part of [Moses'] epitaph and think of all the mighty power and all the miracles that Moses did, many of us tend to think, Moses is in another league. I can't touch him.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.