
Life Is Difficult: A Lesson from the Life of Job

Chuck Swindoll challenges us to think of how we would respond in Job's situation, when we can't hear the voice of God through our turmoil.

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Micah and His Message

This article summarizes the message of the prophet Micah, whose ministry was one of judgment, a call to kingdom-living, and a promise of restoration.

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Not Forgotten: A Lesson from the Life of Esther

Feeling forgotten? Esther was an unknown orphan once. But she became the pivotal character God used to deliver His people from a terrible fate.

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The Reckless Phony

Chuck Swindoll uses the example of King Rehoboam's life to caution us against hiding our sin and growing comfortable with it to protect our image.

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Unique Techniques: A Lesson from the Life of David

Chuck Swindoll reminds us that, like David, we don't have to try to fit into others' molds or define ourselves by their expectations.

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When God Says “No” . . . Pray

How do you handle unanswered prayer and unfulfilled desires? Take some cues from David, who also heard God's "no" to one of his dreams.

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The Apostle of Affection

Why did Jesus call John a Son of Thunder? More important, how did this fiery young man become the apostle so identified with God's love?

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Humility Has a Selective Memory

God has promised to give us the ability to forgive others and ourselves as He fills our thoughts with His presence and power instead.

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Forgotten Side of Success

Contentment is found in the willingness to work faithfully in obscurity, staying teachable, while we wait for God to promote us in His time.

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