Jesus Question article

Jesus Has a Question for You

Chuck Swindoll recalls the scene in Scripture where Jesus asked His disciples, "Who do you say that I am?"

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Understanding Prophecy

John Walvoord expresses the importance of not attaching so many explanations to prophecy that there cannot be any agreement on their meaning.

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How We Got the Old Testament (The Content and Extent of the Old Testament Canon)

This scholarly article tackles the question of how the makeup of the Old Testament canon was confirmed and who decided what books to include.

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A Reflection of Christ: A Lesson from the Life of Joseph

Reading the story of how Joseph treated his guilty brothers with mercy should remind us of Jesus's same gracious treatment of us.

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A Unique Spokesperson: A Lesson from the Life of Elijah

The Old Testament character Elijah was an unlikely choice to stand up to a king and speak out for biblical truth.

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Authentic Ministry: A Lesson from the Life of Paul

Chuck Swindoll describes the life and ministry of the apostle Paul as one that was steeped in and driven by God's Holy Word.

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Becoming a Man or a Woman after God's Own Heart

Chuck Swindoll discusses what "having a heart for God" means and presents a convicting challenge to us all.

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God Is Faithful

Chuck Swindoll spotlights Esther's teachable heart and humble, obedient spirit as the reasons God propelled her to the place of influence she held.

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image of person looking into sunset with outstretched arms

It's Not About You

If the purpose of our life on earth is to make us more like Christ, nothing does that better than the painful trials we suffer.

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