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David Carl encourages us to step outside of our natural self-centeredness and look at God's timeless purposes that we get to have a part in.
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Questions kids naturally ask provide a springboard for teaching theology"on their level. They're never too young to start making sense of the world they observe.
What happens when parents don't rein in a child's rebellious nature? That child will need to be humbled by God as an adult.
Where is sincere faith best modeled for children? In church? In a Christian school? No, they must see the reality of it at home.
Parents have to be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to prioritize meaningful time with their children during the years their children most need them.
All siblings fight. Read helpful steps to walk your children through the process of resolving their differences in the way that Jesus instructs us.
Read about how the heresy of gnosticism infiltrated the first-century church and affected believers"and can still affect believers today.
Michael Svigel gives proof that the early church was unified around the deity of Christ and the Holy Spirit from its earliest days.
Using a visual example from pioneer days, Chuck Swindoll illustrates the importance of "bearing one another's burdens" in taking the edge off of tough times.