• Lasting Impact

    | Mar 23, 2016
    Because Joseph had been a special son to Jacob, Joseph's sons were special to their grandfather as well. The NIV study notes on this portion of the text state that Jacob, at his death, adopted Joseph's first two children as his own and in doing that divided Joseph's inheritance in the land of Canaan between them.
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  • Final Promise

    | Mar 22, 2016
    "Swear to me, Joseph—promise me this," Jacob said. "Place your hand under my thigh and swear." Making promises to the dying is nothing unusual. That is still done today. Frequently I have heard spouses or children tell of promises they made to a dying mate or a parent.
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  • The Test of Integrity

    | Mar 21, 2016
    The people came to Joseph with their hands empty and open, and he responded by upholding their dignity and treating them with respect. And keep in mind, he had everything, but they had nothing. "Our money is gone! Our food is gone!" They were completely at Joseph's mercy.
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  • Innovative Planning

    | Mar 20, 2016
    Joseph had an innovative plan, something that had never been done before. "In order for the land to produce, we must spread out over this land," he said. Prior to this they had been settled in only a few well-populated regions. Those places represented their homes, their work, their farms, their neighborhoods. They were asked to relinquish all that.
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  • Loyalty Test

    | Mar 19, 2016
    Joseph efficiently thought through a plan of operation that would get his family settled. He rehearsed the plan with those who were involved and then, as we will see in a moment, presented the plans to his boss for final approval. Joseph never assumed that he could just go ahead with his plans
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  • Final Family Reunion

    | Mar 18, 2016
    Think of what it must have been like. After more than two decades, Jacob once more held the son that he had given up for dead. After all he had been through, Joseph embraced his aging father—the man he had missed so much, the one he feared he would never see again.
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  • God in the Move

    | Mar 17, 2016
    Yes, old Jacob had learned some hard lessons about what happened when he did not talk with God and walk with God. Therefore, he wanted to be sure that God was in this. This was a big move for all the family. Thankfully, by now, Jacob had matured into a seasoned and wise old man.
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  • The Nature Within

    | Mar 16, 2016
    Joseph's brothers not only had plenty to eat on the way, but had also been given new clothing. They had all that they needed—and they once again had it in abundance! These men must have really looked like something when they returned to Canaan.
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  • Walk by Faith

    | Mar 15, 2016
    If you're under the impression that you are going to be great because of some accomplishment you've achieved but harbor wrong attitudes, you're in for a terrible jolt. Greatness comes in the sweet-spirit attitudes of humility and forgiveness toward others.
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  • Attitude Adjustment

    | Mar 14, 2016
    On top of his forgiveness and reassurance, he "made them an offer they couldn't refuse." He urged them to return and bring their father to this land, where they could enjoy relief from their barren existence. Joseph said, "Brothers, I have seen a change in your lives.
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  • Grace to the Guilty

    | Mar 13, 2016
    Humanly speaking, the average individual, when faced with people who have done them such grievous wrong, would likely frown and demand, "Drop to your knees and stay there! You think you know what humiliation is all about. You wait until I'm through with you."
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  • Final Exam, Part Two

    | Mar 12, 2016
    This was Joseph's second part of the final exam. First came the vertical test. Had his brothers gotten to the place where they read the hand of God into their daily life? Yes. They had demonstrated this in their attitude. Next came the horizontal test.
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  • Final Exam, Part One

    | Mar 11, 2016
    The sons of Jacob were not far from the city when they looked back and saw the prime minister's steward overtaking them. Once he caught up, he accused them of stealing from the Egyptian leader. "How could you do such a deceitful deed, after having been treated so well?"
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  • A Reflection of Christ

    | Mar 10, 2016
    Joseph's life offers us a magnificent portrayal of the grace of God as He came to our rescue in the Person of His Son, Jesus. So many come to Him, like Joseph's guilty brothers, feeling the distance and fearing the worst from God, only to have Him demonstrate incredible generosity and mercy.
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  • A Banquet of Grace

    | Mar 09, 2016
    Joseph's brothers were astonished at the way they were being treated. They had expected any number of things to happen to them, including possible death, but certainly not this. Now here they were, seated according to age, dining with the prime minister. And what a feast!
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  • Strength to Weep

    | Mar 08, 2016
    Suddenly, this great man, this strong-hearted and efficient prime minister of a mighty nation, collapsed inside. Like the rest of us, great men and women encounter those times in life when they can no longer restrain their emotions. Composure flies away, and feelings take control.
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  • Calming Response

    | Mar 07, 2016
    Guilt always does a number on us. It certainly did on Joseph's brothers. Though standing before an unnamed, soft-spoken servant from Egypt, whom they had never really known throughout their lives, they poured out their confession.
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  • A Vertical Focus

    | Mar 06, 2016
    I wonder what those ten men, those ten grown sons of Jacob, talked about during that journey from Canaan to Egypt. I have an idea that it might have been the same things we would have talked about had we been in their sandals. I also believe these men were beginning to be broken.
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  • God's Directions

    | Mar 05, 2016
    Judah put it on the line. "You can't continue to delay and deny the situation. I'll take responsibility for Benjamin's life. If anything happens to him, I will bear the consequences for the rest of my days. Come on, Dad, let's cooperate."
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  • A Horizontal Viewpoint

    | Mar 04, 2016
    When Jacob learned what had happened, the old gentleman shriveled in fear. Rather than saying, "Thank God, He is at work. Men, He loves us and watches over us. In His care we are all safe," he responded negatively and horizontaIly.
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God-Sent Intrusions

Do you see the people who cross your path each day as a possible divine appointment? If you do, Pastor Chuck Swindoll says you can start your day with great anticipation.