• Through It All

    | Apr 12, 2016
    You'd better believe that Moses, though tucked away in a corner of that wasteland, heard the latest news from the travelers in caravans making their way up from Egypt through the Midian desert. When Moses learned the Hebrews were crying out, his heart must have turned over within him.
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  • Living in Obscurity

    | Apr 11, 2016
    Pay close attention to that last sentence. "Moses was willing to dwell with the man." How good that is. Here is a man he had never met; an obscure desert priest and shepherd, who had spent a lifetime raising sheep (and daughters!) in the desolate patch of land known as Midian.
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  • Selfless Dedication

    | Apr 10, 2016
    Moses, the Prince of Egypt, alias Prince Charming, watering animals? Why? Because Moses had just choked down the biggest wedge of humble pie you can imagine. By now, the man was ready to do anything.
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  • Spiritual Ends

    | Apr 09, 2016
    Spiritual ends are never achieved by carnal means. Back in Egypt, as you may recall, Moses had "looked this way and that," then murdered an Egyptian and buried him with sand. As we have already noted, Moses may have thought he was following God's plan in that moment.
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  • Shrink-Wrapped Salvation

    | Apr 08, 2016
    Moses took a forty-story fall. As we pick up the biblical account, he's a heavy-hearted, bruised-and-battered soul who has come to a sudden stop at the bottom. In a matter of mere days, he has stepped off the top of the pyramid as Pharaoh-designate and down to a bedraggled, penniless fugitive.
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  • Sit Down!

    | Apr 07, 2016
    Moses was a frightened and disillusioned fugitive running, escaping for his very life. His vaunted education now meant nothing to him. His knowledge of hieroglyphics and Egyptian culture gave him no comfort. His military victories seemed hollow.
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  • Bumps in the Road

    | Apr 06, 2016
    First surprise. Next confusion, followed by fear, like icy fingers around the heart. When Moses' well-kept secret hit the prime-time networks, he got the shakes. And acting on fear, the biblical account states that "he fled from the presence of Pharaoh." Why did he run?
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  • Heat but No Light

    | Apr 05, 2016
    Moses believed he was to be the deliverer, many years before he received his recommission at the burning bush. He assumed everyone else would realize it too. The passage goes on to tell us, "On the following day he appeared to them as they were fighting" (Acts 7:26).
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  • Let's Move On

    | Apr 04, 2016
    According to Exodus 2:12, Moses hid the body of the slain Egyptian. But by the next day, it was all over the papers. They found the Egyptian. Five inches of loose sand hid nothing. Hiding wrong, Moses now had to admit, does nothing to erase wrong.
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  • God Gets It Done

    | Apr 03, 2016
    Moses looked this way, and he looked that way. Isn't it interesting? He didn't look up, did he? He looked in both directions horizontally, but he ignored the vertical. And what did he do with the results of his murderous anger? Scripture says "he hid the Egyptian in the sand."
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  • God's Timing

    | Apr 02, 2016
    I'm convinced Moses was doing more than grandstanding. I believe he was absolutely sincere. He didn't see himself murdering a cruel slave driver as much as courageously striking a blow for God's people. The desire to do something right overcame him.
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  • Have Faith, Have a Plan

    | Apr 01, 2016
    Jochebed had faith. She also thought through a very creative plan. I'd like to pause to reflect on this tension between careful planning and full-hearted faith. Are they mutually exclusive? Not on your life! Yet to talk to some believers, you might be led to think otherwise.
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  • We Must Obey God

    | Mar 31, 2016
    When we come to passages like the first chapter of Exodus, we are reminded that God's law always comes before man's law. Scripture does not teach blind-and-blanket submission. The fact is, there is a time to submit, and there's also a time to resist.
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  • Courage in the Face of Kings

    | Mar 30, 2016
    According to Pharaoh's instructions, the Hebrew midwife was to watch closely as the baby emerged. She was immediately to discover the sex of the child as it came forth from the womb and to snuff out its life if she noticed it was a male.
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  • God Knows

    | Mar 29, 2016
    The Egyptians' insecurity and abhorrence for their Jewish neighbors eventually led to savagery. I find that interesting. It strikes me that if you are prone to violent anger and brutality, it might be wise for you to back off and ask yourself what you're afraid of.
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  • The Hinge of History

    | Mar 28, 2016
    Baby Moses opened his eyes on a world very different from our own. Although neither his mother nor father knew it, the birth of this man-child launched a series of events that would change the course of nations and shape the destiny of millions.
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  • Our Ultimate Hooray, Part Two

    | Mar 27, 2016
    Just imagine . . . those who are physically disabled today will one day dance in beautiful coordination and leap in ecstatic joy. Those who spend their lives absorbed in total darkness will see every color in the spectrum of light.
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  • Our Ultimate Hooray, Part One

    | Mar 26, 2016
    What gives a widow courage as she stands beside a fresh grave? What is the ultimate hope of the disabled, the amputee, the abused, the burn victim? How can the parents of children who have brain damage or physical handicaps keep from living their entire lives totally and completely depressed?
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  • Led by Grace

    | Mar 25, 2016
    "Am I in God's place?" Joseph asked them. Had he been a lesser man, he could have played "king of the mountain" and filled the role of God. "Grace killers" do that sort of thing. They exploit the power they have over others.
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  • Those Final Moments

    | Mar 24, 2016
    Despite his age and infirmity, Jacob's memory was nothing short of remarkable. He could name each one of his boys, and he could describe their individual natures and recall with pertinent detail the lives they had lived. Although he had not always disciplined them appropriately or wisely, he knew his sons well.
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God-Sent Intrusions

Do you see the people who cross your path each day as a possible divine appointment? If you do, Pastor Chuck Swindoll says you can start your day with great anticipation.