• Lighten Up!

    | Dec 20, 2015
    If I had two words of advice to give to people today, those words would be, "Lighten up!" Teenagers only need one word to say the same thing, "Chill!" One of the sad byproducts of an uptight lifestyle is the absence of fun and laughter.
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  • Take Time to REST!

    | Dec 19, 2015
    The venerable preacher, Vance Havner, used to look over the top of his glasses and say to his congregation, "If you don't come apart, you will come apart." While not all stress is bad for us, too much of it over too long a period of time can be a killer. Literally.
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  • Domestic Nutrition, Part Two

    | Dec 18, 2015
    As we saw yesterday, domestic nutrition in the home lands squarely on the shoulders of the husband and father. The apostle Paul used the Greek term ektrepho to urge, first of all, every husband to "nourish" his wife (Ephesians 5:25).
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  • Domestic Nutrition, Part One

    | Dec 17, 2015
    If you look up the word nutrition in the dictionary, you'll find that its primary and most popular meaning is, "the act or process of nourishing." A closer examination of the word reveals a much more complex meaning.
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  • What's Best for You

    | Dec 16, 2015
    As we are thinking about nutrition, we must keep in mind that while certain foods may be good for us and necessary for our health, some are neither. And no two people are exactly alike. Speaking of that, it is an interesting study to check out what was eaten by many of the people who lived back in biblical days.
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  • Breaking the Famine, Part Two

    | Dec 15, 2015
    Yesterday we read the words of the prophet Amos who predicted a famine—not one of hunger for literal food or for fresh water. Amos foresaw a famine for hearing God's truth proclaimed. Read the prophet's words again.
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  • Breaking the Famine, Part One

    | Dec 14, 2015
    Have you ever witnessed the ravages of a famine? If so, you can never forget the scene. The stench of death is sickening, frightening. Every living creature suffers due to the extreme scarcity of food. It's one of the most ancient of all plagues—and famines are still with us to this day.
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  • Preparing Your Own Meals

    | Dec 13, 2015
    Good nutrition begins with the right foods—prepared the right way. So, how about my encouraging you to cultivate that habit? I know, I know. You're too busy. Furthermore, this is the twenty-first century; very, very few take the time anymore to do their own cooking, right? Wrong.
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  • Spiritual Nourishment . . . in Thirty Minutes a Day

    | Dec 12, 2015
    Go back over those three priorities of spiritual nourishment we looked at yesterday: taking in God's Word, talking to Him in prayer, and spending a few extra minutes turning the truth over in your mind with plans to obey.
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  • Priorities of Spiritual Nourishment

    | Dec 11, 2015
    No one can deny the importance of nutrition. Our level of energy, our ability to cope with life's challenges, and even our mental attitude are directly linked to the proper intake of the right foods eaten regularly and in proper amounts.
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  • The Place He's Preparing . . . And the Way to It

    | Dec 10, 2015
    Look again at what Jesus explained to His disciples during their last supper together: "Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you."
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  • The Other Side of Preparation

    | Dec 09, 2015
    We have been focusing on our need to prepare—whether it's our meals or our plans or our minds or our hearts—the emphasis has remained on us. Let's switch things around and look at the other side of preparation. Let's think about the Lord's preparation.
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  • Love Enhances the Taste

    | Dec 08, 2015
    Having led several tours to the Holy Land, it's always interesting to hear people describe their favorite place as we come to the end of our journey. Usually, it's the same place. Most folks say the Sea of Galilee. There is something about its tranquil waters.
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  • Keeping Your Balance

    | Dec 07, 2015
    During His earthly sojourn, Jesus had many casual acquaintances but few intimate friends outside the circle of His twelve disciples. There were three friends, however, with whom He was very close. They lived in the village of Bethany and were from the same family.
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  • Make Your Plan and Work Your Plan

    | Dec 06, 2015
    Getting a big job done well starts with careful planning. Never forget that a good plan is an essential part of the preparation process. In the Bible there is an unforgettable story about planning, which isn't very well known. Its setting takes us far back in time—somewhere in the middle of the fifth century BC.
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  • Change Starts in the Heart . . . and in the Kitchen

    | Dec 05, 2015
    Anyone who gets serious about weight loss, a regular exercise program, and keeping the body strong and healthy soon realizes some significant changes must occur. They'll be tough to pull off. Like, grabbing a quick bite at some fast food drive-through is "out" and preparing meals at home is "in."
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  • What's Essential for Survival

    | Dec 04, 2015
    Some things are essential for survival. We must have air to breathe. We must have food to eat. And we must have water to drink. Matter of fact, water is second only to oxygen as essential to life. Life as we know it cannot exist without water.
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  • The Washing of Water . . . with the Word

    | Dec 03, 2015
    When our four children were young, we often spent our vacation weeks each summer camping together. We owned one of those tent campers on wheels, which we pulled behind our car to various campsites. One of our favorite spots was located in a wooded state park.
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  • Cheap Substitutes

    | Dec 02, 2015
    Cheap substitutes are never better than the original. Something unhealthy usually happens when we try to replace the genuine with the artificial. This principle is true when it comes to our health . . . and it's especially true with what we drink. Nothing quenches our thirst like water.
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  • Give Me a Drink

    | Dec 01, 2015
    "Give Me a drink." Jesus said that. He was thirsty after walking on a very long journey during the heat of the day. Around noon, He came to a well in a town named Sychar. Jacob's well was located in that ancient place. Tired and hot, Jesus sat down by that well.
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What They Won’t Forget

If you were the curator of your museum of family memories, what would it contain? Pastor Chuck gives specific ways to ensure the generations that follow you will treasure these important memories.