• Be Gracious

    | Nov 19, 2018
    Paul deals with the value of being gracious in your Christian walk in 1 Thessalonians 2:7–11: "But we proved to be gentle among you, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children."
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  • It's Time to Take Time

    | Nov 18, 2018
    Years ago my older son, then a teenager, and I dropped by the local Hallmark shop to find Cynthia a card for Mother's Day. Somewhat bored with the process, Curt wandered back to the posters.
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  • How About 99.9%?

    | Nov 17, 2018
    When the Ritz-Carlton Hotels won the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the owner of that outstanding organization, Mr. William Johnson, stated that now they would need to work even harder to earn the respect that came with the award.
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  • Waiting in Silence

    | Nov 16, 2018
    "My soul waits in silence for God only" (Psalm 62:1). Some of the best times in prayer are wordless times. I stop speaking, close my eyes, and meditate upon what I have been reading or upon what I have been saying.
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  • Lists

    | Nov 15, 2018
    Lists are everywhere. The sports page is full of them. Elsewhere we find lists of Academy Award winners, Pulitzer Prize winners, and beauty contest winners. The publishing world has its best-seller list . . .
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  • The Ideal Combination

    | Nov 14, 2018
    "What is your favorite feeling?" When my sister, Luci, asked me that question recently, my brain began to click through a dozen or more possibilities. Being a person to whom feelings are extremely important, I had a tough time selecting one.
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  • Gut-Level Authenticity

    | Nov 13, 2018
    In 1991 James Patterson and Peter Kim released The Day America Told the Truth, a study based on an extensive opinion survey which guaranteed the anonymity of its participants. And the truth was shocking!
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  • Memories Are Made of This

    | Nov 12, 2018
    During the Thanksgiving holiday a few years ago, I experienced a moving moment as I watched our younger daughter, Colleen, with her baby, Ashley Alissa, who at that time was a newborn.
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  • Measuring Spiritual Growth

    | Nov 11, 2018
    Humans are strange creatures. We run faster when we lose our way. Instead of pausing to regroup, we ricochet from place to place. Three words describe our times: hurry, worry, and bury.
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  • Upholding Human Dignity

    | Nov 10, 2018
    In a fast-paced world where only the fit survive, it sure is easy to feel dehumanized. Our technological age has made us more aware of our insignificance.
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  • How to Waste Time

    | Nov 09, 2018
    Have you noticed how many day-planners are available these days? And then there are the time-management self-help books: how to increase your efficiency, how to make every moment count.
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  • Marks of Maturity

    | Nov 08, 2018
    To be mature is to be fully developed, complete, and "grown up." Becoming mature is a process of consistently moving toward emotional and spiritual adulthood.
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  • That Subtle Sin

    | Nov 07, 2018
    Do you know which sin is the subtle enemy of simple faith? Materialism and greed? Anger? Lust? Hypocrisy? No. All of these sins are certainly our enemies, but none of them qualify as subtle enemies.
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  • Finishing Well

    | Nov 06, 2018
    One of the great doctrines of Christianity is our belief in a heavenly home. Ultimately, we shall spend eternity with God in the place He has prepared for us.
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  • A Better Way

    | Nov 05, 2018
    Yourself. Yourself. Yourself. We're up to here with self! How very different from Jesus' model and message! Instead of a "philosophy" to turn our eyes inward, He offers a fresh and much-needed invitation to our "me first" generation.
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  • Others and Us

    | Nov 04, 2018
    "Therefore, however you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets" (Matt. 7:2). That single sentence is perhaps the most famous statement Jesus ever made. It is the "Everest of Ethics."
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  • God's Sovereignty

    | Nov 03, 2018
    Some people mistakenly use God's sovereignty as an excuse for complacency, passivity, and uninvolvement. All is of God they say; God does everything. God's sovereignty does not mean that I am released from responsibility.
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  • Words

    | Nov 02, 2018
    "A word fitly spoken," wrote the wise Solomon, "is like apples of gold in settings of silver" (Prov. 25:11, KJV). Like Jell-O, concepts assume the mold of the words into which they are poured.
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  • God Doesn't Have to Explain Himself

    | Nov 01, 2018
    Even in the midst of disappointment, surprise, and mystery, you will discover an amazing thing. You will discover how very reliable and trustworthy God is—and how secure you are in His hands.
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  • Genuine Joy

    | Oct 31, 2018
    In my words, the apostle Paul would tell us that joy isn't fickle; it doesn't need a lot of things to keep it smiling. Joy is deep and consistent—the oil that reduces the friction of life.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.