• A Cheerful Heart

    | Feb 08, 2019
    Earthquakes! Prison riots! Economic pressures! Divorce! No jobs! Drugs! Disease! Death! Pretty serious scene, isn't it? Yet that is the emotional environment in which we live. No wonder someone has dubbed this the "aspirin age."
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  • The Blame Game

    | Feb 07, 2019
    Are you old enough to remember comedian Flip Wilson's old line, "The devil made me do it"? Here was this character who had obviously done something bad. But instead of taking the blame, he pointed an accusing finger at "the devil."
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  • Hypocrisy's Hidden Horrors

    | Feb 06, 2019
    In his November 11, 1942, report on the war to the British House of Commons, Winston Churchill referred to "the soft underbelly of the Axis."
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  • Compassion in Slow Motion

    | Feb 05, 2019
    The timing is as critical as the involvement. You don't just force your way in. Even if you've got the stuff that's needed . . . even if you hold the piece perfectly shaped to fit the other person's missing part of the puzzle.
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  • A Month for Love

    | Feb 04, 2019
    It is February. Overcast, chilly, bleak-and-barren February. If you're not into skiing the slopes, skating on ice, or singin' in the rain, there's not a lot outside to excite you.
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  • Satanic Rip-Off

    | Feb 03, 2019
    A basketball fan at the Portland airport awaited the arrival of the Trailblazers following a victory over the Lakers and attempted to scalp a couple of tickets to the next game.
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  • Never the Same

    | Feb 02, 2019
    "Nathan then said to David, 'You are the man! Thus says the LORD God of Israel, "It is I who anointed you king over Israel and it is I who delivered you from the hand of Saul. I also gave you your master's house . . ."'"
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  • What about Fidelity?

    | Feb 01, 2019
    I remember returning from our nation's capital where I was privileged to spend time with many of the highest ranking officers in the military. . . . Many of these men and women are magnificent models of strong Christian commitment.
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  • The Physical Body

    | Jan 31, 2019
    Volumes are written about the mind, our emotional makeup, our "inner man," the soul, the spirit and the spiritual dimension. But by comparison, very little is being said by evangelicals today about the physical body.
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  • Why Drop Everything?

    | Jan 30, 2019
    Why should we be willing to drop everything and follow Jesus Christ? And what happens when we do? I can think of at least six reasons.
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  • Deep-Water Faith

    | Jan 29, 2019
    Edith, a mother of eight, came home from a neighbor's house one afternoon and noticed that things seemed a little too quiet. Curious, she peered through the screen door and saw five of her children huddled together.
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  • Wanted: Thinkers

    | Jan 28, 2019
    Entertainment is everything today. So important, in fact, that we have television programs and magazines devoted solely to the subject. All of which makes it real difficult to be committed to substance rather than the superficial.
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  • Expect the Unexpected

    | Jan 27, 2019
    Most folks I know like things to stay as they are. You've heard all the sayings that reveal our preference for the familiar: Leave well enough alone. I don't like surprises. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Stay with a sure thing.
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  • Encouragement

    | Jan 26, 2019
    When you stop to analyze the concept, "encourage" takes on new meaning. It's the act of inspiring others with renewed courage, spirit, or hope. When we encourage others we spur them on, we stimulate and affirm them.
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  • Do What You Can

    | Jan 25, 2019
    Centuries ago a little boy found himself in the midst of a vast crowd of people—larger than any group he'd ever seen. He had come out of curiosity, having heard that a man named Jesus was nearby.
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  • You Can Make a Difference

    | Jan 24, 2019
    Overwhelming odds can make cowards of us all. I remember the first time I felt overwhelmed regarding ministry in a vast arena. My life had been quiet and manageable.
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  • Uncrossable Rivers of Life

    | Jan 23, 2019
    We often find ourselves bogging down in our spiritual growth simply because the challenges before us look absolutely impossible. Such frustrations are not new.
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  • Outstanding vs. Valuable

    | Jan 22, 2019
    I remember the year NBA stars Michael Jordan and Earvin "Magic" Johnson were vying for the Most Valuable Player award. That year it was incredibly close, and the final tally resulted in Johnson's winning the award by the narrowest of margins.
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  • We Hope . . . We Wait

    | Jan 21, 2019
    "Rome wasn't built in a day." If I heard that once, I heard it a hundred times while I was growing up. I was young and impatient, anxious to reach the goals I felt were important.
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  • Being Normal

    | Jan 20, 2019
    Ever felt weird because you were "normal"? I remember the first time I had that feeling. I was a teenager surrounded by other teenagers in a testimony meeting.
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Aging Well

Do you want to know how to age gracefully? Pastor Chuck reminds us of what God wants us to focus on during our remaining years. As long as we live, the Lord has a purpose for us.